
DatasetAccessor.lookup_transform(other, grid=None, method=<function mean>, lut=None, return_lut=False)

Reprojects an other Dataset or DataArray onto self using the forward tranform lookup.

See : Grid.lookup_transform()

other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray

the data to project onto self

grid: salem.Grid

in case the input dataset does not carry georef info

methodfunction, default: np.mean

the aggregation method. Possibilities: np.std, np.median, np.sum, and more. Use len to count the number of grid points!

lutndarray, optional

computing the lookup table can be expensive. If you have several operations to do with the same grid, set lut to an existing table obtained from a previous call to Grid.grid_lookup()

return_lutbool, optional

set to True if you want to return the lookup table for later use. in this case, returns a tuple

a dataset or a dataarray
If return_lut==True, also return the lookup table