Source code for salem.datasets

This module provides a GeoDataset interface and a few implementations for
e.g. netcdf, geotiff, WRF...

This is kept for backwards compatibility reasons, but ideally everything should
soon happen at the xarray level.
from __future__ import division

# Builtins
import io
import os
import warnings
from urllib.request import urlopen

# External libs
import pyproj
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

    import rasterio
except ImportError:
    rasterio = None

# Locals
from salem import lazy_property
from salem import Grid
from salem import wgs84
from salem import utils, gis, wrftools, sio, check_crs

[docs] class GeoDataset(object): """Interface for georeferenced datasets. A GeoDataset is a formalism for gridded data arrays, which are usually stored in geotiffs or netcdf files. It provides an interface to realise subsets, compute regions of interest and more. A GeoDataset makes more sense if it is subclassed for real files, such as GeoTiff or GeoNetCDF. In that case, the implemetations must make use of the subset indexes provided in the sub_x, sub_y and sub_t properties. """
[docs] def __init__(self, grid, time=None): """Set-up the georeferencing, time is optional. Parameters: grid: a salem.Grid object which represents the underlying data time: if the data has a time dimension """ # The original grid, for always stored self._ogrid = grid # The current grid (changes if set_subset() is called) self.grid = grid # Default indexes to get in the underlying data (BOTH inclusive, # i.e [, ], not [,[ as in numpy) self.sub_x = [0, grid.nx-1] self.sub_y = [0, grid.ny-1] # Roi is a ny, nx array if set self.roi = None self.set_roi() # _time is a pd.Series because it's so nice to misuse the series.loc # flexibility (see set_period) if time is not None: if isinstance(time, pd.Series): time = pd.Series(np.arange(len(time)), index=time.index) else: try: time = pd.Series(np.arange(len(time)), index=time) except AttributeError: # for t in time: setattr(t, 'nanosecond', 0) time = pd.Series(np.arange(len(time)), index=time) self._time = time # set_period() will set those self.t0 = None self.t1 = None self.sub_t = None self.set_period()
@property def time(self): """Time array""" if self._time is None: return None return self._time[self.t0:self.t1].index def set_period(self, t0=0, t1=-1): """Set a period of interest for the dataset. This will be remembered at later calls to time() or GeoDataset's getvardata implementations. Parameters ---------- t0: anything that represents a time. Could be a string (e.g '2012-01-01'), a DateTime, or an index in the dataset's time t1: same as t0 (inclusive) """ if self._time is not None: self.sub_t = [0, -1] # we dont check for what t0 or t1 is, we let Pandas do the job try: self.sub_t[0] = self._time.loc[t0] except KeyError: self.sub_t[0] = self._time.iloc[t0] try: self.sub_t[1] = self._time.loc[t1] except KeyError: self.sub_t[1] = self._time.iloc[t1] self.t0 = self._time.index[self.sub_t[0]] self.t1 = self._time.index[self.sub_t[1]] def set_subset(self, corners=None, crs=wgs84, toroi=False, margin=0): """Set a subset for the dataset. This will be remembered at later calls to GeoDataset's getvardata implementations. Parameters ---------- corners: a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square to subset the dataset to. The coordinates are not expressed in wgs84, set the crs keyword crs: the coordinates of the corner coordinates toroi: set to true to generate the smallest possible subset arond the region of interest set with set_roi() margin: when doing the subset, add a margin (can be negative!). Can be used alone: set_subset(margin=-5) will remove five pixels from each boundary of the dataset. TODO: shouldnt we make the toroi stuff easier to use? """ # Useful variables mx = self._ogrid.nx-1 my = self._ogrid.ny-1 cgrid = self._ogrid.center_grid # Three possible cases if toroi: if self.roi is None or np.max(self.roi) == 0: raise RuntimeError('roi is empty.') ids = np.nonzero(self.roi) sub_x = [np.min(ids[1])-margin, np.max(ids[1])+margin] sub_y = [np.min(ids[0])-margin, np.max(ids[0])+margin] elif corners is not None: xy0, xy1 = corners x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True) x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True) sub_x = [np.min([x0, x1])-margin, np.max([x0, x1])+margin] sub_y = [np.min([y0, y1])-margin, np.max([y0, y1])+margin] else: # Reset sub_x = [0-margin, mx+margin] sub_y = [0-margin, my+margin] # Some necessary checks if (np.max(sub_x) < 0) or (np.min(sub_x) > mx) or \ (np.max(sub_y) < 0) or (np.min(sub_y) > my): raise RuntimeError('subset not valid') if (sub_x[0] < 0) or (sub_x[1] > mx): warnings.warn('x0 out of bounds', RuntimeWarning) if (sub_y[0] < 0) or (sub_y[1] > my): warnings.warn('y0 out of bounds', RuntimeWarning) # Make the new grid sub_x = np.clip(sub_x, 0, mx) sub_y = np.clip(sub_y, 0, my) nxny = (sub_x[1] - sub_x[0] + 1, sub_y[1] - sub_y[0] + 1) dxdy = (self._ogrid.dx, self._ogrid.dy) xy0 = (self._ogrid.x0 + sub_x[0] * self._ogrid.dx, self._ogrid.y0 + sub_y[0] * self._ogrid.dy) self.grid = Grid(proj=self._ogrid.proj, nxny=nxny, dxdy=dxdy, x0y0=xy0) # If we arrived here, we can safely set the subset self.sub_x = sub_x self.sub_y = sub_y def set_roi(self, shape=None, geometry=None, crs=wgs84, grid=None, corners=None, noerase=False): """Set a region of interest for the dataset. If set succesfully, a ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the dataset's grid, obtained with the .roi attribute. I haven't decided yet if the data should be masekd out when a ROI has been set. Parameters ---------- shape: path to a shapefile geometry: a shapely geometry crs: the crs of the geometry grid: a Grid object corners: a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square to subset the dataset to. The coordinates are not expressed in wgs84, set the crs keyword noerase: set to true in order to add the new ROI to the previous one """ # The rois are always defined on the original grids, but of course # we take that into account when a subset is set (see roi # decorator below) ogrid = self._ogrid # Initial mask if noerase and (self.roi is not None): mask = self.roi else: mask = np.zeros((ogrid.ny, ogrid.nx), dtype=np.int16) # Several cases if shape is not None: if isinstance(shape, pd.DataFrame): gdf = shape else: gdf = sio.read_shapefile(shape) gis.transform_geopandas(gdf, to_crs=ogrid.corner_grid, inplace=True) if rasterio is None: raise ImportError('This feature needs rasterio') from rasterio.features import rasterize with rasterio.Env(): mask = rasterize(gdf.geometry, out=mask) if geometry is not None: geom = gis.transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs, to_crs=ogrid.corner_grid) if rasterio is None: raise ImportError('This feature needs rasterio') from rasterio.features import rasterize with rasterio.Env(): mask = rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom), out=mask) if grid is not None: _tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16) mask = ogrid.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0) if corners is not None: cgrid = self._ogrid.center_grid xy0, xy1 = corners x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True) x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True) mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1])+1, np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1])+1] = 1 self.roi = mask @property def roi(self): """Mask of the ROI (same size as subset).""" return self._roi[self.sub_y[0]:self.sub_y[1]+1, self.sub_x[0]:self.sub_x[1]+1] @roi.setter def roi(self, value): """A mask is allways defined on _ogrid""" self._roi = value def get_vardata(self, var_id=None): """Interface to implement by subclasses, taking sub_x, sub_y and sub_t into account.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class GeoTiff(GeoDataset): """Geolocalised tiff images (needs rasterio)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file): """Open the file. Parameters ---------- file: path to the file """ if rasterio is None: raise ImportError('This feature needs rasterio to be insalled') # brutally efficient with rasterio.Env(): with as src: nxny = (src.width, src.height) ul_corner = (src.bounds.left, proj = pyproj.Proj( dxdy = (src.res[0], -src.res[1]) grid = Grid(x0y0=ul_corner, nxny=nxny, dxdy=dxdy, pixel_ref='corner', proj=proj) # done self.file = file GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid)
def get_vardata(self, var_id=1): """Read the geotiff band. Parameters ---------- var_id: the variable name (here the band number) """ wx = (self.sub_x[0], self.sub_x[1]+1) wy = (self.sub_y[0], self.sub_y[1]+1) with rasterio.Env(): with as src: band =, window=(wy, wx)) return band
class EsriITMIX(GeoDataset): """Open ITMIX geolocalised Esri ASCII images (needs rasterio).""" def __init__(self, file): """Open the file. Parameters ---------- file: path to the file """ bname = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0] pok = bname.find('UTM') if pok == -1: raise ValueError(file + ' does not seem to be an ITMIX file.') zone = int(bname[pok+3:]) south = False if zone < 0: south = True zone = -zone proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=zone, ellps='WGS84', south=south) # brutally efficient with rasterio.Env(): with as src: nxny = (src.width, src.height) ul_corner = (src.bounds.left, dxdy = (src.res[0], -src.res[1]) grid = Grid(x0y0=ul_corner, nxny=nxny, dxdy=dxdy, pixel_ref='corner', proj=proj) # done self.file = file GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid) def get_vardata(self, var_id=1): """Read the geotiff band. Parameters ---------- var_id: the variable name (here the band number) """ wx = (self.sub_x[0], self.sub_x[1]+1) wy = (self.sub_y[0], self.sub_y[1]+1) with rasterio.Env(): with as src: band =, window=(wy, wx)) return band
[docs] class GeoNetcdf(GeoDataset): """NetCDF files with geolocalisation info. GeoNetcdf will try hard to understand the geoloc and time of the file, but if it can't you can still provide the time and grid at instantiation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file, grid=None, time=None, monthbegin=False): """Open the file and try to understand it. Parameters ---------- file: path to the netcdf file grid: a Grid object. This will override the normal behavior of GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the grid automatically. time: a time array. This will override the normal behavior of GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the time automatically. monthbegin: set to true if you are sure that your data is monthly and that the data provider decided to tag the date as the center of the month (stupid) """ self._nc = netCDF4.Dataset(file) self._nc.set_auto_mask(False) self.variables = self._nc.variables if grid is None: grid = sio.grid_from_dataset(self._nc) if grid is None: raise RuntimeError('File grid not understood') if time is None: time = sio.netcdf_time(self._nc, monthbegin=monthbegin) dn = self._nc.dimensions.keys() try: self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0] self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('File coordinates not understood') dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim']) self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim']) self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid, time=time)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): self._nc.close() def get_vardata(self, var_id=0, as_xarray=False): """Reads the data out of the netCDF file while taking into account time and spatial subsets. Parameters ---------- var_id: the name of the variable (must be available in self.variables) as_xarray: returns a DataArray object """ v = self.variables[var_id] # Make the slices item = [] for d in v.dimensions: it = slice(None) if d == self.t_dim and self.sub_t is not None: it = slice(self.sub_t[0], self.sub_t[1]+1) elif d == self.y_dim: it = slice(self.sub_y[0], self.sub_y[1]+1) elif d == self.x_dim: it = slice(self.sub_x[0], self.sub_x[1]+1) item.append(it) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # This is due to some numpy warnings out = v[tuple(item)] if as_xarray: # convert to xarray dims = v.dimensions coords = dict() x, y = self.grid.x_coord, self.grid.y_coord for d in dims: if d == self.t_dim: coords[d] = self.time elif d == self.y_dim: coords[d] = y elif d == self.x_dim: coords[d] = x attrs = v.__dict__.copy() bad_keys = ['scale_factor', 'add_offset', '_FillValue', 'missing_value', 'ncvars'] _ = [attrs.pop(b, None) for b in bad_keys] out = xr.DataArray(out, dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) return out
[docs] class WRF(GeoNetcdf): """WRF proof-of-concept template. Adds unstaggered and diagnostic variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file, grid=None, time=None): GeoNetcdf.__init__(self, file, grid=grid, time=time) # Change staggered variables to unstaggered ones for vn, v in self.variables.items(): if wrftools.Unstaggerer.can_do(v): self.variables[vn] = wrftools.Unstaggerer(v) # Check if we can add diagnostic variables to the pot for vn in wrftools.var_classes: cl = getattr(wrftools, vn) if cl.can_do(self._nc): self.variables[vn] = cl(self._nc)
[docs] class GoogleCenterMap(GeoDataset): """Google static map centered on a point. Needs motionless. See for pricing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, center_ll=(11.38, 47.26), size_x=640, size_y=640, scale=1, zoom=12, maptype='satellite', use_cache=True, key=None, **kwargs): """Initialize Parameters ---------- center_ll : tuple tuple of lon, lat center of the map size_x : int image size size_y : int image size scale : int image scaling factor. 1, 2. 2 is higher resolution but takes longer to download zoom : int google zoom level ( static-maps/intro#Zoomlevels). 1 (world) - 20 (buildings) maptype : str, default: 'satellite' 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid', 'terrain' use_cache : bool, default: True store the downloaded image in the cache to avoid future downloads key : str, default: None Google API key. If None, it will try to read it from the environment variable STATIC_MAP_API_KEY kwargs : ** any keyword accepted by motionless.CenterMap """ # Google grid grid = gis.googlestatic_mercator_grid(center_ll=center_ll, nx=size_x, ny=size_y, zoom=zoom, scale=scale) if key is None: try: key = os.environ['STATIC_MAP_API_KEY'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('You need to provide a Google API key' ' or set the STATIC_MAP_API_KEY environment' ' variable.') # Motionless import motionless googleurl = motionless.CenterMap(lon=center_ll[0], lat=center_ll[1], size_x=size_x, size_y=size_y, maptype=maptype, zoom=zoom, scale=scale, key=key, **kwargs) # done self.googleurl = googleurl self.use_cache = use_cache GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid)
@lazy_property def _img(self): """Download the image.""" if self.use_cache: return utils.joblib_read_img_url(self.googleurl.generate_url()) else: from matplotlib.image import imread fd = urlopen(self.googleurl.generate_url()) return imread(io.BytesIO( def get_vardata(self, var_id=0): """Return and subset the image.""" return self._img[self.sub_y[0]:self.sub_y[1]+1, self.sub_x[0]:self.sub_x[1]+1, :]
[docs] class GoogleVisibleMap(GoogleCenterMap): """Google static map automatically sized and zoomed to a selected region. It's usually more practical to use than GoogleCenterMap. See for pricing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, x, y, crs=wgs84, size_x=640, size_y=640, scale=1, maptype='satellite', use_cache=True, key=None, **kwargs): """Initialize Parameters ---------- x : array x coordinates of the points to include on the map y : array y coordinates of the points to include on the map crs : proj or Grid coordinate reference system of x, y size_x : int image size size_y : int image size scale : int image scaling factor. 1, 2. 2 is higher resolution but takes longer to download maptype : str, default: 'satellite' 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid', 'terrain' use_cache : bool, default: True store the downloaded image in the cache to avoid future downloads key : str, default: None Google API key. If None, it will try to read it from the environment variable STATIC_MAP_API_KEY kwargs : ** any keyword accepted by motionless.CenterMap Notes ----- To obtain the exact domain specified in `x` and `y` you may have to play with the `size_x` and `size_y` kwargs. """ if key is None: try: key = os.environ['STATIC_MAP_API_KEY'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('You need to provide a Google API key' ' or set the STATIC_MAP_API_KEY environment' ' variable.') if 'zoom' in kwargs or 'center_ll' in kwargs: raise ValueError('incompatible kwargs.') # Transform to lonlat crs = gis.check_crs(crs) if isinstance(crs, pyproj.Proj): lon, lat = gis.transform_proj(crs, wgs84, x, y) elif isinstance(crs, Grid): lon, lat = crs.ij_to_crs(x, y, crs=wgs84) else: raise NotImplementedError() # surely not the smartest way to do but should be enough for now mc = (np.mean(lon), np.mean(lat)) zoom = 20 while zoom >= 0: grid = gis.googlestatic_mercator_grid(center_ll=mc, nx=size_x, ny=size_y, zoom=zoom, scale=scale) dx, dy = grid.transform(lon, lat, maskout=True) if np.any(dx.mask): zoom -= 1 else: break GoogleCenterMap.__init__(self, center_ll=mc, size_x=size_x, size_y=size_y, zoom=zoom, scale=scale, maptype=maptype, use_cache=use_cache, key=key, **kwargs)