Projections and grids
# Python 2 stuff
from __future__ import division
# Builtins
import copy
import warnings
from functools import partial
from packaging.version import Version
# External libs
import pyproj
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, RectBivariateSpline
from osgeo import osr
has_gdal = True
except ImportError:
has_gdal = False
# Locals
from salem import lazy_property, wgs84
crs_type = pyproj.crs.CRS
except AttributeError:
class Dummy():
crs_type = Dummy
def check_crs(crs, raise_on_error=False):
"""Checks if the crs represents a valid grid, projection or ESPG string.
>>> p = check_crs('epsg:26915 +units=m')
>>> p.srs
'epsg:26915 +units=m'
>>> p = check_crs('wrong')
>>> p is None
A valid crs if possible, otherwise None
crs = crs.salem.grid # try xarray
err1, err2 = None, None
if isinstance(crs, pyproj.Proj) or isinstance(crs, Grid):
out = crs
elif isinstance(crs, crs_type):
out = pyproj.Proj(crs.to_wkt(), preserve_units=True)
elif isinstance(crs, dict) or isinstance(crs, str):
if isinstance(crs, str):
# quick fix for https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/issues/345
crs = crs.replace(' ', '').replace('+', ' +')
# A series of try-catch to handle the (too) many changes in pyproj
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
out = pyproj.Proj(crs, preserve_units=True)
except RuntimeError as e:
err1 = str(e)
out = pyproj.Proj(init=crs, preserve_units=True)
except RuntimeError as e:
err2 = str(e)
out = None
out = None
if raise_on_error and out is None:
msg = ('salem could not properly parse the provided coordinate '
'reference system (crs). This could be due to errors in your '
'data, in PyProj, or with salem itself. If this occurs '
'unexpectedly, report an issue to https://github.com/fmaussion/'
'salem/issues. Full log: \n'
'crs: {} ; \n'.format(crs))
if err1 is not None:
msg += 'Output of `pyproj.Proj(crs, preserve_units=True)`: {} ; \n'
msg = msg.format(err1)
if err2 is not None:
msg += 'Output of `pyproj.Proj(init=crs, preserve_units=True)`: {}'
msg = msg.format(err2)
raise ValueError(msg)
return out
class Grid(object):
"""A structured grid on a map projection.
Central class in the library, taking over user concerns about the
gridded representation of georeferenced data. It adds a level of
abstraction by defining a new coordinate system.
A grid requires georeferencing information at instantiation and is
immutable *in principle*. I didn't implement barriers: if you want to mess
with it, you can (not recommended). Note that in most cases, users won't
have to define the grid themselves: most georeferenced datasets contain
enough metadata for Salem to determine the data's grid automatically.
A grid is defined by a projection, a reference point in this projection,
a grid spacing and a number of grid points. The grid can be defined in a
"upper left" convention (reference point at the top left corner,
dy negative - always -). This is the python convention, but not that of all
datasets (for example, the output of the WRF model follows a down-left
corner convention). Therefore, grids can also be defined in a "lower left"
corner convention (dy positive). The use of one or the other convention
depends on the data, so the user should take care of what he is doing.
The reference points of the grid points might be located at the corner of
the pixel (upper left corner for example if dy is negative) or the center
of the pixel (most atmospheric datasets follow this convention). The two
concepts are truly equivalent and each grid instance gives access to one
representation or another ("center_grid" and "corner_grid" properties).
Under the hood, Salem uses the representation it needs to do
the job by accessing either one or the other of these parameters. The user
should know which convention he needs for his purposes: some grid
functions and properties are representation dependant (transform,
ll_coordinates, ...) while some are not (extent,
corner_ll_coordinates ...).
def __init__(self, proj=wgs84, nxny=None, dxdy=None, x0y0=None,
corner=None, ul_corner=None, ll_corner=None):
proj : pyproj.Proj instance
defines the grid's map projection. Defaults to 'PlateCarree'
nxny : (int, int)
(nx, ny) number of grid points
dxdy : (float, float)
(dx, dy) grid spacing in proj coordinates. dx must be positive,
while dy can be positive or negative depending on the origin
grid point's lecation (upper-left or lower-left)
x0y0 : (float, float)
(x0, y0) cartesian coordinates (in proj) of the upper left
or lower left corner, depending on the sign of dy
pixel_ref : str
either 'center' or 'corner' (default: 'center'). Tells
the Grid object where the (x0, y0) is located in the grid point.
If ``pixel_ref`` is set to 'corner' and dy < 0, the ``x0y0``
kwarg specifies the **grid point's upper left** corner
coordinates. Equivalently, if dy > 0, x0y0 specifies the
**grid point's lower left** coordinate.
corner : (float, float)
DEPRECATED in favor of ``x0y0``
(x0, y0) cartesian coordinates (in proj) of the upper left
or lower left corner, depending on the sign of dy
ul_corner : (float, float)
DEPRECATED in favor of ``x0y0``
(x0, y0) cartesian coordinates (in proj) of the upper left corner
ll_corner : (float, float)
DEPRECATED in favor of ``x0y0``
(x0, y0) cartesian coordinates (in proj) of the lower left corner
>>> g = Grid(nxny=(3, 2), dxdy=(1, 1), x0y0=(0, 0), proj=wgs84)
>>> lon, lat = g.ll_coordinates
>>> lon
array([[ 0., 1., 2.],
[ 0., 1., 2.]])
>>> lat
array([[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> lon, lat = g.corner_grid.ll_coordinates
>>> lon
array([[-0.5, 0.5, 1.5],
[-0.5, 0.5, 1.5]])
>>> lat
array([[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5],
[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
>>> g.corner_grid == g.center_grid # the two reprs are equivalent
# Check for coordinate system
proj = check_crs(proj)
if proj is None:
raise ValueError('proj must be of type pyproj.Proj')
self._proj = proj
# deprecations
if corner is not None:
warnings.warn('The `corner` kwarg is deprecated: '
'use `x0y0` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
x0y0 = corner
if ul_corner is not None:
warnings.warn('The `ul_corner` kwarg is deprecated: '
'use `x0y0` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
if dxdy[1] > 0.:
raise ValueError('dxdy and input params not compatible')
x0y0 = ul_corner
if ll_corner is not None:
warnings.warn('The `ll_corner` kwarg is deprecated: '
'use `x0y0` instead.', DeprecationWarning)
if dxdy[1] < 0.:
raise ValueError('dxdy and input params not compatible')
x0y0 = ll_corner
# Check for shortcut
if dxdy[1] < 0.:
ul_corner = x0y0
ll_corner = x0y0
# Initialise the rest
self._check_input(nxny=nxny, dxdy=dxdy,
def _check_input(self, **kwargs):
"""See which parameter combination we have and set everything."""
combi_a = ['nxny', 'dxdy', 'ul_corner']
combi_b = ['nxny', 'dxdy', 'll_corner']
if all(kwargs[k] is not None for k in combi_a):
nx, ny = kwargs['nxny']
dx, dy = kwargs['dxdy']
x0, y0 = kwargs['ul_corner']
if (dx <= 0.) or (dy >= 0.):
raise ValueError('dxdy and input params not compatible')
origin = 'upper-left'
elif all(kwargs[k] is not None for k in combi_b):
nx, ny = kwargs['nxny']
dx, dy = kwargs['dxdy']
x0, y0 = kwargs['ll_corner']
if (dx <= 0.) or (dy <= 0.):
raise ValueError('dxdy and input params not compatible')
origin = 'lower-left'
raise ValueError('Input params not compatible')
self._nx = int(nx)
self._ny = int(ny)
if (self._nx <= 0) or (self._ny <= 0):
raise ValueError('nxny not valid')
self._dx = float(dx)
self._dy = float(dy)
self._x0 = float(x0)
self._y0 = float(y0)
self._origin = origin
# Check for pixel ref
self._pixel_ref = kwargs['pixel_ref'].lower()
if self._pixel_ref not in ['corner', 'center']:
raise ValueError('pixel_ref not recognized')
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two grids are considered equal when their defining coordinates
and projection are equal.
Note: equality also means floating point equality, with all the
problems that come with it.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
# Attributes defining the instance
ckeys = ['x0', 'y0', 'nx', 'ny', 'dx', 'dy', 'origin']
a = dict((k, getattr(self.corner_grid, k)) for k in ckeys)
b = dict((k, getattr(other.corner_grid, k)) for k in ckeys)
p1 = self.corner_grid.proj
p2 = other.corner_grid.proj
return (a == b) and proj_is_same(p1, p2)
def __repr__(self):
srs = '+'.join(sorted(self.proj.srs.split('+'))).strip()
summary = ['<salem.Grid>']
summary += [' proj: ' + srs]
summary += [' pixel_ref: ' + self.pixel_ref]
summary += [' origin: ' + str(self.origin)]
summary += [' (nx, ny): (' + str(self.nx) + ', ' + str(self.ny) + ')']
summary += [' (dx, dy): (' + str(self.dx) + ', ' + str(self.dy) + ')']
summary += [' (x0, y0): (' + str(self.x0) + ', ' + str(self.y0) + ')']
return '\n'.join(summary) + '\n'
def proj(self):
"""``pyproj.Proj`` instance defining the grid's map projection."""
return self._proj
def nx(self):
"""number of grid points in the x direction."""
return self._nx
def ny(self):
"""number of grid points in the y direction."""
return self._ny
def dx(self):
"""x grid spacing (always positive)."""
return self._dx
def dy(self):
"""y grid spacing (positive if ll_corner, negative if ul_corner)."""
return self._dy
def x0(self):
"""X reference point in projection coordinates."""
return self._x0
def y0(self):
"""Y reference point in projection coordinates."""
return self._y0
def origin(self):
"""``'upper-left'`` or ``'lower-left'``."""
return self._origin
def pixel_ref(self):
"""if coordinates are at the ``'center'`` or ``'corner'`` of the grid.
return self._pixel_ref
def center_grid(self):
"""``salem.Grid`` instance representing the grid in center coordinates.
if self.pixel_ref == 'center':
return self
# shift the grid
x0y0 = ((self.x0 + self.dx / 2.), (self.y0 + self.dy / 2.))
args = dict(nxny=(self.nx, self.ny), dxdy=(self.dx, self.dy),
proj=self.proj, pixel_ref='center', x0y0=x0y0)
return Grid(**args)
def corner_grid(self):
"""``salem.Grid`` instance representing the grid in corner coordinates.
if self.pixel_ref == 'corner':
return self
# shift the grid
x0y0 = ((self.x0 - self.dx / 2.), (self.y0 - self.dy / 2.))
args = dict(nxny=(self.nx, self.ny), dxdy=(self.dx, self.dy),
proj=self.proj, pixel_ref='corner', x0y0=x0y0)
return Grid(**args)
def ij_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of i, j coordinates of the grid points.
(dependent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x = np.arange(self.nx)
y = np.arange(self.ny)
return np.meshgrid(x, y)
def x_coord(self):
"""x coordinates of the grid points (1D, no mesh)"""
return self.x0 + np.arange(self.nx) * self.dx
def y_coord(self):
"""y coordinates of the grid points (1D, no mesh)"""
return self.y0 + np.arange(self.ny) * self.dy
def xy_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of x, y coordinates of the grid points.
(dependent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
return np.meshgrid(self.x_coord, self.y_coord)
def ll_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of longitudes, latitudes of the grid points.
(dependent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x, y = self.xy_coordinates
proj_out = check_crs('EPSG:4326')
return transform_proj(self.proj, proj_out, x, y)
def xstagg_xy_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of x, y coordinates of the X staggered grid.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x_s = self.corner_grid.x0 + np.arange(self.nx+1) * self.dx
y = self.center_grid.y0 + np.arange(self.ny) * self.dy
return np.meshgrid(x_s, y)
def ystagg_xy_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of x, y coordinates of the Y staggered grid.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x = self.center_grid.x0 + np.arange(self.nx) * self.dx
y_s = self.corner_grid.y0 + np.arange(self.ny+1) * self.dy
return np.meshgrid(x, y_s)
def xstagg_ll_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of longitudes, latitudes of the X staggered grid.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x, y = self.xstagg_xy_coordinates
proj_out = check_crs('EPSG:4326')
return transform_proj(self.proj, proj_out, x, y)
def ystagg_ll_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of longitudes, latitudes of the Y staggered grid.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x, y = self.ystagg_xy_coordinates
proj_out = check_crs('EPSG:4326')
return transform_proj(self.proj, proj_out, x, y)
def pixcorner_ll_coordinates(self):
"""Tuple of longitudes, latitudes (dims: ny+1, nx+1) at the corners of
the grid.
Useful for graphics.Map essentially
(independant of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
x = self.corner_grid.x0 + np.arange(self.nx+1) * self.dx
y = self.corner_grid.y0 + np.arange(self.ny+1) * self.dy
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
proj_out = check_crs('EPSG:4326')
return transform_proj(self.proj, proj_out, x, y)
def extent(self):
"""[left, right, bottom, top] boundaries of the grid in the grid's
The boundaries are the pixels leftmost, rightmost, lowermost and
uppermost corners, meaning that they are independent from the grid's
x = np.array([0, self.nx]) * self.dx + self.corner_grid.x0
ypoint = [0, self.ny] if self.origin == 'lower-left' else [self.ny, 0]
y = np.array(ypoint) * self.dy + self.corner_grid.y0
return [x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1]]
def almost_equal(self, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):
"""A less strict comparison between grids.
Two grids are considered equal when their defining coordinates
and projection are equal.
grid1 == grid2 uses floating point equality, which is very strict; here
we uses numpy's is close instead.
(independent of the grid's cornered or centered representation.)
# float attributes defining the instance
fkeys = ['x0', 'y0', 'dx', 'dy']
# unambiguous attributes
ckeys = ['nx', 'ny', 'origin']
ok = True
for k in fkeys:
ok = ok and np.isclose(getattr(self.corner_grid, k),
getattr(other.corner_grid, k),
rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
for k in ckeys:
_ok = getattr(self.corner_grid, k) == getattr(other.corner_grid, k)
ok = ok and _ok
p1 = self.corner_grid.proj
p2 = other.corner_grid.proj
return ok and proj_is_same(p1, p2)
def extent_in_crs(self, crs=wgs84):
"""Get the extent of the grid in a desired crs.
crs : crs
the target coordinate reference system.
[left, right, bottom, top] boundaries of the grid.
# this is not so trivial
# for optimisation we will transform the boundaries only
poly = self.extent_as_polygon(crs=crs)
_i, _j = poly.exterior.xy
return [np.min(_i), np.max(_i), np.min(_j), np.max(_j)]
def extent_as_polygon(self, crs=wgs84):
"""Get the extent of the grid in a shapely.Polygon and desired crs.
crs : crs
the target coordinate reference system.
[left, right, bottom, top] boundaries of the grid.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
# this is not so trivial
# for optimisation we will transform the boundaries only
_i = np.hstack([np.arange(self.nx+1),
_j = np.hstack([np.zeros(self.nx+1),
_i, _j = self.corner_grid.ij_to_crs(_i, _j, crs=crs)
return Polygon(zip(_i, _j))
def regrid(self, nx=None, ny=None, factor=1):
"""Make a copy of the grid with an updated spatial resolution.
The keyword parameters are mutually exclusive, because the x/y ratio
of the grid has to be preserved.
nx : int
the new number of x pixels
nx : int
the new number of y pixels
factor : int
multiplication factor (factor=3 will generate a grid with
a spatial resolution 3 times finer)
a new Grid object.
if nx is not None:
factor = nx / self.nx
if ny is not None:
factor = ny / self.ny
nx = self.nx * factor
ny = self.ny * factor
dx = self.dx / factor
dy = self.dy / factor
x0 = self.corner_grid.x0
y0 = self.corner_grid.y0
args = dict(nxny=(nx, ny), dxdy=(dx, dy), x0y0=(x0, y0),
proj=self.proj, pixel_ref='corner')
g = Grid(**args)
if self.pixel_ref == 'center':
g = g.center_grid
return g
def ij_to_crs(self, i, j, crs=None, nearest=False):
"""Converts local i, j to cartesian coordinates in a specified crs
i : array of floats
the grid coordinates of the point(s) you want to convert
j : array of floats
the grid coordinates of the point(s) you want to convert
crs: crs
the target crs (default: self.proj)
nearest: bool
(for Grid crs only) convert to the nearest grid point
(x, y) coordinates of the points in the specified crs.
# Default
if crs is None:
crs = self.proj
# Convert i, j to x, y
x = i * self.dx + self.x0
y = j * self.dy + self.y0
except TypeError:
x = np.asarray(i) * self.dx + self.x0
y = np.asarray(j) * self.dy + self.y0
# Convert x, y to crs
_crs = check_crs(crs, raise_on_error=True)
if isinstance(_crs, pyproj.Proj):
ret = transform_proj(self.proj, _crs, x, y)
elif isinstance(_crs, Grid):
ret = _crs.transform(x, y, crs=self.proj, nearest=nearest)
return ret
def grid_lookup(self, other):
"""Performs forward transformation of any other grid into self.
The principle of forward transform is to obtain, for each grid point of
``self`` , all the indices of ``other`` that are located into the
given grid point. This transformation makes sense ONLY if ``other`` has
a higher resolution than the object grid. If ``other`` has a similar
or coarser resolution than ``self`` , choose the more general
(and much faster) :py:meth:`Grid.map_gridded_data` method.
other : salem.Grid
the grid that needs to be transformed into self
a dict: each key (j, i) contains an array of shape (n, 2) where n is
the number of ``other`` 's grid points found within the grid point
(j, i)
# Input checks
other = check_crs(other)
if not isinstance(other, Grid):
raise ValueError('`other` should be a Grid instance')
# Transform the other grid into the local grid (forward transform)
# Work in center grid cause that's what we need
i, j = other.center_grid.ij_coordinates
i, j = i.flatten(), j.flatten()
oi, oj = self.center_grid.transform(i, j, crs=other.center_grid,
nearest=True, maskout=True)
# keep only valid values
oi, oj, i, j = oi[~oi.mask], oj[~oi.mask], i[~oi.mask], j[~oi.mask]
out_inds = oi.flatten() + self.nx * oj.flatten()
# find the links
ris = np.digitize(out_inds, bins=np.arange(self.nx*self.ny+1))
# some optim based on the fact that ris has many duplicates
sort_idx = np.argsort(ris)
unq_items, unq_count = np.unique(ris[sort_idx], return_counts=True)
unq_idx = np.split(sort_idx, np.cumsum(unq_count))
# lets go
out = dict()
for idx, ri in zip(unq_idx, unq_items):
ij = divmod(ri-1, self.nx)
out[ij] = np.stack((j[idx], i[idx]), axis=1)
return out
def map_gridded_data(self, data, grid=None, interp='nearest',
ks=3, out=None):
"""Reprojects any structured data onto the local grid.
The z and time dimensions of the data (if provided) are conserved, but
the projected data will have the x, y dimensions of the local grid.
Currently, nearest neighbor, linear, and spline interpolation are
available. The dtype of the input data is guaranteed to be conserved,
except for int which will be converted to floats if non nearest
neighbor interpolation is asked.
data : ndarray
an ndarray of dimensions 2, 3, or 4, the two last ones being y, x.
grid : Grid
a Grid instance matching the data
interp : str
'nearest' (default), 'linear', or 'spline'
ks : int
Degree of the bivariate spline. Default is 3.
missing : int
integer value to attribute to invalid data (for integer data
only, floats invalids are forced to NaNs)
out : ndarray
output array to fill instead of creating a new one (useful for
overwriting stuffs)
A projected ndarray of the data, in ``self`` coordinates.
if grid is None:
grid = data.salem.grid # try xarray
except AttributeError:
# Input checks
if not isinstance(grid, Grid):
raise ValueError('grid should be a Grid instance')
try: # in case someone gave an xarray dataarray
data = data.values
except AttributeError:
try: # in case someone gave a masked array (won't work with scipy)
data = data.filled(np.nan)
except AttributeError:
if data.dtype == np.float32:
# New in scipy - issue with float32
data = data.astype(np.float64)
in_shape = data.shape
ndims = len(in_shape)
if (ndims < 2) or (ndims > 4):
raise ValueError('data dimension not accepted')
if (in_shape[-1] != grid.nx) or (in_shape[-2] != grid.ny):
raise ValueError('data dimension not compatible')
interp = interp.lower()
use_nn = False
if interp == 'nearest':
use_nn = True
# Transform the local grid into the input grid (backwards transform)
# Work in center grid cause that's what we need
# TODO: this stage could be optimized when many variables need transfo
i, j = self.center_grid.ij_coordinates
oi, oj = grid.center_grid.transform(i, j, crs=self.center_grid,
nearest=use_nn, maskout=False)
pv = np.nonzero((oi >= 0) & (oi < grid.nx) &
(oj >= 0) & (oj < grid.ny))
# Prepare the output
if out is not None:
out_data = np.ma.asarray(out)
out_shape = list(in_shape)
out_shape[-2:] = [self.ny, self.nx]
if (data.dtype.kind == 'i') and (interp == 'nearest'):
# We dont do integer arithmetics other than nearest
out_data = np.ma.masked_all(out_shape, dtype=data.dtype)
elif data.dtype.kind == 'i':
out_data = np.ma.masked_all(out_shape, dtype=float)
out_data = np.ma.masked_all(out_shape, dtype=data.dtype)
# Spare us the trouble
if len(pv[0]) == 0:
return out_data
i, j, oi, oj = i[pv], j[pv], oi[pv], oj[pv]
# Interpolate
if interp == 'nearest':
if out is not None:
if ndims > 2:
raise ValueError('Need 2D for now.')
vok = np.isfinite(data[oj, oi])
out_data[j[vok], i[vok]] = data[oj[vok], oi[vok]]
out_data[..., j, i] = data[..., oj, oi]
elif interp == 'linear':
points = (np.arange(grid.ny), np.arange(grid.nx))
if ndims == 2:
f = RegularGridInterpolator(points, data, bounds_error=False)
if out is not None:
tmp = f((oj, oi))
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[j, i] = f((oj, oi))
if ndims == 3:
for dimi, cdata in enumerate(data):
f = RegularGridInterpolator(points, cdata,
if out is not None:
tmp = f((oj, oi))
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[dimi, j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[dimi, j, i] = f((oj, oi))
if ndims == 4:
for dimj, cdata in enumerate(data):
for dimi, ccdata in enumerate(cdata):
f = RegularGridInterpolator(points, ccdata,
if out is not None:
tmp = f((oj, oi))
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[dimj, dimi, j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[dimj, dimi, j, i] = f((oj, oi))
elif interp == 'spline':
px, py = np.arange(grid.ny), np.arange(grid.nx)
if ndims == 2:
f = RectBivariateSpline(px, py, data, kx=ks, ky=ks)
if out is not None:
tmp = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[j, i] = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
if ndims == 3:
for dimi, cdata in enumerate(data):
f = RectBivariateSpline(px, py, cdata, kx=ks, ky=ks)
if out is not None:
tmp = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[dimi, j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[dimi, j, i] = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
if ndims == 4:
for dimj, cdata in enumerate(data):
for dimi, ccdata in enumerate(cdata):
f = RectBivariateSpline(px, py, ccdata, kx=ks, ky=ks)
if out is not None:
tmp = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
vok = np.isfinite(tmp)
out_data[dimj, dimi, j[vok], i[vok]] = tmp[vok]
out_data[dimj, dimi, j, i] = f(oj, oi, grid=False)
msg = 'interpolation not understood: {}'.format(interp)
raise ValueError(msg)
# we have to catch a warning for an unexplained reason
with warnings.catch_warnings():
mess = "invalid value encountered in isfinite"
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=mess)
out_data = np.ma.masked_invalid(out_data)
return out_data
def region_of_interest(self, shape=None, geometry=None, grid=None,
corners=None, crs=wgs84, roi=None,
"""Computes a region of interest (ROI).
A ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the grid.
shape : str
path to a shapefile
geometry : geometry
a shapely geometry (don't forget the crs keyword)
grid : Grid
a Grid object which extent will form the ROI
corners : tuple
a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square
to subset the dataset to (don't forget the crs keyword)
crs : crs, default wgs84
coordinate reference system of the geometry and corners
roi : ndarray
add the new region_of_interest to a previous one (useful for
multiple geometries for example)
all_touched : boolean
pass-through argument for rasterio.features.rasterize, indicating
that all grid cells which are clipped by the shapefile defining
the region of interest should be included (default=False)
# Initial mask
if roi is not None:
mask = np.array(roi, dtype=np.int16)
mask = np.zeros((self.ny, self.nx), dtype=np.int16)
# Collect keyword arguments, overriding anything the user
# inadvertently added
rasterize_kws = dict(out=mask, all_touched=all_touched)
# Several cases
if shape is not None:
import pandas as pd
inplace = False
if not isinstance(shape, pd.DataFrame):
from salem.sio import read_shapefile
shape = read_shapefile(shape)
inplace = True
# corner grid is needed for rasterio
shape = transform_geopandas(shape, to_crs=self.corner_grid,
import rasterio
from rasterio.features import rasterize
with rasterio.Env():
mask = rasterize(shape.geometry, **rasterize_kws)
if geometry is not None:
import rasterio
from rasterio.features import rasterize
# corner grid is needed for rasterio
geom = transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs,
with rasterio.Env():
mask = rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom), **rasterize_kws)
if grid is not None:
_tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16)
mask = self.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0)
if corners is not None:
cgrid = self.center_grid
xy0, xy1 = corners
x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True)
x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True)
mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1]) + 1,
np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1]) + 1] = 1
return mask
def to_dict(self):
"""Serialize this grid to a dictionary.
a grid dictionary
See Also
from_dict : create a Grid from a dict
return dict(proj=self.proj.srs, x0y0=(self.x0, self.y0),
nxny=(self.nx, self.ny), dxdy=(self.dx, self.dy),
def from_dict(self, d):
"""Create a Grid from a dictionary
d : dict, required
the dict with the necessary information
a salem.Grid instance
See Also
to_dict : create a dict from a Grid
return Grid(**d)
def to_json(self, fpath):
"""Serialize this grid to a json file.
fpath : str, required
the path to the file to create
See Also
from_json : read a json file
import json
with open(fpath, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(self.to_dict(), fp)
def from_json(self, fpath):
"""Create a Grid from a json file
fpath : str, required
the path to the file to open
a salem.Grid instance
See Also
to_json : create a json file
import json
with open(fpath, 'r') as fp:
d = json.load(fp)
return Grid.from_dict(d)
def to_dataset(self):
"""Creates an empty dataset based on the Grid's geolocalisation.
An xarray.Dataset object ready to be filled with data
import xarray as xr
ds = xr.Dataset(coords={'x': (['x', ], self.center_grid.x_coord),
'y': (['y', ], self.center_grid.y_coord)}
ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.proj.srs
return ds
def to_geometry(self, to_crs=None):
"""Makes a geometrical representation of the grid (e.g. for drawing).
This can come also handy when doing shape-to-raster operations.
TODO: currently returns one polygon for each grid point, but this
could do more.
a geopandas.GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
out = GeoDataFrame()
geoms = []
ii = []
jj = []
xx = self.corner_grid.x0 + np.arange(self.nx+1) * self.dx
yy = self.corner_grid.y0 + np.arange(self.ny+1) * self.dy
for j, (y0, y1) in enumerate(zip(yy[:-1], yy[1:])):
for i, (x0, x1) in enumerate(zip(xx[:-1], xx[1:])):
coords = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1), (x0, y0)]
out['j'] = jj
out['i'] = ii
out.set_geometry(geoms, crs=self.proj.srs, inplace=True)
if check_crs(to_crs):
transform_geopandas(out, to_crs=to_crs, inplace=True)
return out
def proj_is_same(p1, p2):
"""Checks is two pyproj projections are equal.
See https://github.com/jswhit/pyproj/issues/15#issuecomment-208862786
p1 : pyproj.Proj
first projection
p2 : pyproj.Proj
second projection
if has_gdal:
# this is more robust, but gdal is a pain
s1 = osr.SpatialReference()
s2 = osr.SpatialReference()
return s1.IsSame(s2) == 1 # IsSame returns 1 or 0
# at least we can try to sort it
p1 = '+'.join(sorted(p1.srs.split('+')))
p2 = '+'.join(sorted(p2.srs.split('+')))
return p1 == p2
def _transform_internal(p1, p2, x, y, **kwargs):
if hasattr(pyproj, 'Transformer'):
trf = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(p1, p2, **kwargs)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# https://github.com/pyproj4/pyproj/issues/1415
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning,
message=".*ndim > 0 to a scalar.*")
return trf.transform(x, y)
return pyproj.transform(p1, p2, x, y, **kwargs)
def proj_is_latlong(proj):
"""Shortcut function because of deprecation."""
return proj.is_latlong()
except AttributeError:
return proj.crs.is_geographic
def proj_to_cartopy(proj):
"""Converts a pyproj.Proj to a cartopy.crs.Projection
proj: pyproj.Proj
the projection to convert
a cartopy.crs.Projection object
import cartopy
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
proj = check_crs(proj)
if proj_is_latlong(proj):
return ccrs.PlateCarree()
srs = proj.srs
if has_gdal:
# this is more robust, as srs could be anything (espg, etc.)
s1 = osr.SpatialReference()
if s1.ExportToProj4():
srs = s1.ExportToProj4()
km_proj = {'lon_0': 'central_longitude',
'lat_0': 'central_latitude',
'x_0': 'false_easting',
'y_0': 'false_northing',
'lat_ts': 'latitude_true_scale',
'o_lon_p': 'central_rotated_longitude',
'o_lat_p': 'pole_latitude',
'k': 'scale_factor',
'zone': 'zone',
km_globe = {'a': 'semimajor_axis',
'b': 'semiminor_axis',
km_std = {'lat_1': 'lat_1',
'lat_2': 'lat_2',
kw_proj = dict()
kw_globe = dict()
kw_std = dict()
for s in srs.split('+'):
s = s.split('=')
if len(s) != 2:
k = s[0].strip()
v = s[1].strip()
v = float(v)
if k == 'proj':
if v == 'tmerc':
cl = ccrs.TransverseMercator
kw_proj['approx'] = True
if v == 'lcc':
cl = ccrs.LambertConformal
if v == 'merc':
cl = ccrs.Mercator
if v == 'utm':
cl = ccrs.UTM
if v == 'stere':
cl = ccrs.Stereographic
if v == 'ob_tran':
cl = ccrs.RotatedPole
if k in km_proj:
if k == 'zone':
v = int(v)
kw_proj[km_proj[k]] = v
if k in km_globe:
kw_globe[km_globe[k]] = v
if k in km_std:
kw_std[km_std[k]] = v
globe = None
if kw_globe:
globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse='sphere', **kw_globe)
if kw_std:
kw_proj['standard_parallels'] = (kw_std['lat_1'], kw_std['lat_2'])
# mercatoooor
if cl.__name__ == 'Mercator':
kw_proj.pop('false_easting', None)
kw_proj.pop('false_northing', None)
if Version(cartopy.__version__) < Version('0.15'):
kw_proj.pop('latitude_true_scale', None)
elif cl.__name__ == 'Stereographic':
kw_proj.pop('scale_factor', None)
if 'latitude_true_scale' in kw_proj:
kw_proj['true_scale_latitude'] = kw_proj['latitude_true_scale']
kw_proj.pop('latitude_true_scale', None)
elif cl.__name__ == 'RotatedPole':
if 'central_longitude' in kw_proj:
kw_proj['pole_longitude'] = kw_proj['central_longitude'] - 180
kw_proj.pop('central_longitude', None)
kw_proj.pop('latitude_true_scale', None)
return cl(globe=globe, **kw_proj)
except TypeError:
del kw_proj['approx']
return cl(globe=globe, **kw_proj)
def mercator_grid(center_ll=None, extent=None, ny=600, nx=None,
origin='lower-left', transverse=True):
"""Local (transverse) mercator map centered on a specified point.
center_ll : (float, float)
tuple of lon, lat coordinates where the map will be centered.
extent : (float, float)
tuple of eastings, northings giving the extent (in m) of the map
ny : int
number of y grid points wanted to cover the map (default: 600)
nx : int
number of x grid points wanted to cover the map (mutually exclusive
with y)
origin : str
'lower-left' or 'upper-left'
transverse : bool
wether to use a transverse or regular mercator. Default should have
been false, but for backwards compatibility reasons we keep it to True
# Make a local proj
pname = 'tmerc' if transverse else 'merc'
lon, lat = center_ll
proj_params = dict(proj=pname, lat_0=0., lon_0=lon,
k=0.9996, x_0=0, y_0=0, datum='WGS84')
projloc = pyproj.Proj(proj_params)
# Define a spatial resolution
xx = extent[0]
yy = extent[1]
if nx is None:
nx = ny * xx / yy
ny = nx * yy / xx
nx = np.rint(nx)
ny = np.rint(ny)
e, n = transform_proj(wgs84, projloc, lon, lat)
if origin == 'upper-left':
corner = (-xx / 2. + e, yy / 2. + n)
dxdy = (xx / nx, - yy / ny)
corner = (-xx / 2. + e, -yy / 2. + n)
dxdy = (xx / nx, yy / ny)
return Grid(proj=projloc, x0y0=corner, nxny=(nx, ny), dxdy=dxdy,
def googlestatic_mercator_grid(center_ll=None, nx=640, ny=640, zoom=12, scale=1):
"""Mercator map centered on a specified point (google API conventions).
Mostly useful for google maps.
# Number of pixels in an image with a zoom level of 0.
google_pix = 256 * scale
# The equatorial radius of the Earth assuming WGS-84 ellipsoid.
google_earth_radius = 6378137.0
# Make a local proj
lon, lat = center_ll
projloc = check_crs('epsg:3857')
# The size of the image is multiplied by the scaling factor
nx *= scale
ny *= scale
# Meter per pixel
mpix = (2 * np.pi * google_earth_radius) / google_pix / (2**zoom)
xx = nx * mpix
yy = ny * mpix
e, n = transform_proj(wgs84, projloc, lon, lat)
corner = (-xx / 2. + e, yy / 2. + n)
dxdy = (xx / nx, - yy / ny)
return Grid(proj=projloc, x0y0=corner,
nxny=(nx, ny), dxdy=dxdy,