
DataArrayAccessor.lookup_transform(other, grid=None, method=<function mean>, lut=None, return_lut=False)

Reprojects an other Dataset or DataArray onto self using the forward tranform lookup.

See : Grid.lookup_transform()

other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray

the data to project onto self

grid: salem.Grid

in case the input dataset does not carry georef info

method : function, default: np.mean

the aggregation method. Possibilities: np.std, np.median, np.sum, and more. Use len to count the number of grid points!

lut : ndarray, optional

computing the lookup table can be expensive. If you have several operations to do with the same grid, set lut to an existing table obtained from a previous call to Grid.grid_lookup()

return_lut : bool, optional

set to True if you want to return the lookup table for later use. in this case, returns a tuple

a dataset or a dataarray
If ``return_lut==True``, also return the lookup table