
class salem.DataLevels(data=None, levels=None, nlevels=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extend=None, cmap=None)[source]

Assigns the right color to your data.

Simple tool that ensures the full compatibility of the plot colors and the colorbar. It’s working principle is best understood with a few examples, available in the docs.

__init__(data=None, levels=None, nlevels=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extend=None, cmap=None)[source]


see the set_* functions


__init__([data, levels, nlevels, vmin, …]) Instanciate.
append_colorbar(ax[, position, size, pad]) Appends a colorbar to existing axes
colorbarbase(cax, **kwargs) Returns a ColorbarBase to add to the cax axis.
get_colorbarbase_kwargs() If you need to make a colorbar based on a given DataLevel state.
plot(ax) Add a kind of plot of the data to an axis.
set_cmap([cm]) Set a colormap.
set_data([data]) Any kind of data array (also masked).
set_extend([extend]) Colorbar extensions: ‘neither’ | ‘both’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’
set_levels([levels]) Levels you define.
set_nlevels([nlevels]) Automatic N levels.
set_plot_params([levels, nlevels, vmin, …]) Shortcut to all parameters related to the plot.
set_vmax([val]) Maximum level value.
set_vmin([val]) Mininum level value.
to_rgb() Transform the data to RGB triples.
update(d) Update the properties of DataLevels from the dictionary d.
visualize([ax, title, orientation, …]) Quick plot, useful for debugging.


extend Clever getter.
levels Clever getter.
nlevels Clever getter.
norm Clever getter.
vmax Clever getter.
vmin Clever getter.