Source code for salem.wrftools

"""Diagnostic variables for WRF output.

Diagnostic variables are simply a subclass of FakeVariable that implement
__getitem__. See examples below.
from __future__ import division
import copy

import numpy as np
import pyproj
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from netCDF4 import num2date
from pandas import to_datetime
from xarray.core import indexing

from salem import lazy_property, wgs84, gis

POOL = None

def _init_pool():
    global POOL
    if POOL is None:
        import multiprocessing as mp
        POOL = mp.Pool()

def dummy_func(*args):

class ScaledVar():

    def __init__(self, ncvar):
        self.ncvar = ncvar
            self.scale = ncvar.scale
        except AttributeError:
            self.scale = False
    def __enter__(self):
        return self.ncvar

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

class Unstaggerer(object):
    """Duck NetCDF4.Variable class which "unstaggers" WRF variables.

     It looks for the staggered dimension and automatically unstaggers it.

    def __init__(self, ncvar):

        ncvar: the netCDF variable to unstagger.

        self.ncvar = ncvar

        # Attributes
        self.description = ncvar.description
        self.units = ncvar.units
        # Replace the dimension name
        dims = list(ncvar.dimensions)
        self.ds = np.nonzero(['_stag' in d for d in dims])[0][0]
        dims[self.ds] = dims[self.ds].replace('_stag', '')
        self.dimensions = dims
        shape = list(ncvar.shape)
        shape[self.ds] -=1
        self.shape = tuple(shape)

        # this is quickndirty, and probably wrong
        self.set_auto_maskandscale = dummy_func
        self.set_auto_scale = dummy_func
        attrs = list(ncvar.ncattrs())
        if 'add_offset' in attrs: attrs.remove('add_offset')
        if 'scale_factor' in attrs: attrs.remove('scale_factor')
        def filter_attrs():
            return attrs
        self.ncattrs = filter_attrs
        self.filters = ncvar.filters

        def _chunking():
            return self.shape
        self.chunking = _chunking

        for attr in self.ncattrs():
            setattr(self, attr, getattr(ncvar, attr))
        self.dtype = ncvar.dtype

        # Needed later
        self._ds_shape = ncvar.shape[self.ds]

    def getncattr(self, name):
        # dummy getncattrs
        return getattr(self, name)

    def can_do(ncvar):
        """Checks if the variable can be unstaggered.

        ncvar: the netCDF variable candidate forunstagger.
        return np.any(['_stag' in d for d in ncvar.dimensions])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Override __getitem__."""

        # take care of ellipsis and other strange indexes
        item = list(indexing.expanded_indexer(item, len(self.dimensions)))

        # Slice to change
        was_scalar = False
        sl = item[self.ds]
        if np.isscalar(sl) and not isinstance(sl, slice):
            sl = slice(sl, sl+1)
            was_scalar = True

        # Ok, get the indexes right
        start = sl.start or 0
        stop = sl.stop or self._ds_shape
        if stop < 0:
            stop += self._ds_shape-1
        stop = np.clip(stop+1, 0, self._ds_shape)
        itemr = copy.deepcopy(item)
        if was_scalar:
            item[self.ds] = start
            itemr[self.ds] = start+1
            item[self.ds] = slice(start, stop-1)
            itemr[self.ds] = slice(start+1, stop)
        with ScaledVar(self.ncvar) as var:
            return 0.5*(var[tuple(item)] + var[tuple(itemr)])

class FakeVariable(object):
    """Duck NetCDF4.Variable class
    def __init__(self, nc): = self.__class__.__name__ = nc

    def can_do():
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _copy_attrs_from(self, ncvar):
        # copies the necessary nc attributes from a template variable
        attrs = list(ncvar.ncattrs())
        if 'add_offset' in attrs: attrs.remove('add_offset')
        if 'scale_factor' in attrs: attrs.remove('scale_factor')
        def filter_attrs():
            return attrs
        self.ncattrs = filter_attrs
        self.filters = ncvar.filters
        self.chunking = ncvar.chunking
        for attr in self.ncattrs():
            setattr(self, attr, getattr(ncvar, attr))
        self.dimensions = ncvar.dimensions
        self.dtype = ncvar.dtype
        self.set_auto_maskandscale = dummy_func
        self.set_auto_scale = dummy_func
        self.shape = ncvar.shape

    def getncattr(self, name):
        # dummy getncattrs
        return getattr(self, name)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class T2C(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'C'
        self.description = '2m Temperature'

    def can_do(nc):
        return 'T2' in nc.variables

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['T2']) as var:
            return var[item] - 273.15

class AccumulatedVariable(FakeVariable):
    """Common logic for all accumulated variables."""

    def __init__(self, nc, accvn):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.accvn = accvn
        # Needed later
        self._nel = nc.variables[self.accvn].shape[0]

    def _factor(self):
        # easy would be to have time step as variable
        vars =
        if 'XTIME' in vars:
            dt_minutes = vars['XTIME'][1] - vars['XTIME'][0]
        elif 'xtime' in vars:
            dt_minutes = vars['xtime'][1] - vars['xtime'][0]
        elif 'time' in vars:
            var = vars['time']
            nctime = num2date(var[0:2], var.units)
            dt_minutes = np.asarray(nctime[1] - nctime[0])
            dt_minutes = dt_minutes.astype('timedelta64[m]').astype(float)
            # ok, parse time
            time = []
            stimes = vars['Times'][0:2]
            for t in stimes:
            dt_minutes = time[1] - time[0]
            dt_minutes = dt_minutes.seconds / 60
        return 60 / dt_minutes

    def can_do(nc):
        can_do = False
        if 'Time' in nc.dimensions:
            can_do = nc.dimensions['Time'].size > 1
        elif 'time' in nc.dimensions:
            can_do = nc.dimensions['time'].size > 1
        return can_do

    def __getitem__(self, item):

        # take care of ellipsis and other strange indexes
        item = list(indexing.expanded_indexer(item, len(self.dimensions)))

        # time is always going to be first dim I hope
        sl = item[0]
        was_scalar = False
        if np.isscalar(sl) and not isinstance(sl, slice):
            was_scalar = True
            sl = slice(sl, sl+1)

        # Ok, get the indexes right
        start = sl.start or 0
        stop = sl.stop or self._nel
        if stop < 0:
            stop += self._nel-1
        start -= 1
        do_nan = False
        if start < 0:
            do_nan = True
        itemr = copy.deepcopy(item)
        item[0] = slice(start, stop-1)
        itemr[0] = slice(start+1, stop)

        # done
        with ScaledVar([self.accvn]) as var:
            if do_nan:
                item[0] = slice(0, stop-1)
                out = var[itemr]
                    # in case we have a masked array
                out[1:, ...] -= var[item]
                out[0, ...] = np.NaN
                out = var[itemr]
                out -= var[item]
        if was_scalar:
            out = out[0, ...]
        return out * self._factor

class PRCP_NC(AccumulatedVariable):

    def __init__(self, nc):
        AccumulatedVariable.__init__(self, nc, 'RAINNC')
        self.units = 'mm h-1'
        self.description = 'Precipitation rate from grid scale physics'

    def can_do(nc):
        return AccumulatedVariable.can_do(nc) and 'RAINNC' in nc.variables

class PRCP_C(AccumulatedVariable):

    def __init__(self, nc):
        AccumulatedVariable.__init__(self, nc, 'RAINC')
        self.units = 'mm h-1'
        self.description = 'Precipitation rate from cumulus physics'

    def can_do(nc):
        return AccumulatedVariable.can_do(nc) and 'RAINC' in nc.variables

class PRCP(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'mm h-1'
        self.description = 'Total precipitation rate'

    def can_do(nc):
        return AccumulatedVariable.can_do(nc) and \
               'RAINC' in nc.variables and 'RAINNC' in nc.variables

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['PRCP_NC']) as p1, \
                ScaledVar(['PRCP_C']) as p2:
            return p1[item] + p2[item]

class THETA(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'K'
        self.description = 'Potential temperature'

    def can_do(nc):
        return 'T' in nc.variables

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['T']) as var:
            return var[item] + 300.

class TK(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'K'
        self.description = 'Temperature'

    def can_do(nc):
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in ['T', 'P', 'PB']])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        p1000mb = 100000.
        r_d = 287.04
        cp = 7 * r_d / 2.
        with ScaledVar(['T']) as var:
            t = var[item] + 300.
        with ScaledVar(['P']) as p, \
                ScaledVar(['PB']) as pb:
            p = p[item] + pb[item]
        return (p/p1000mb)**(r_d/cp) * t

class WS(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'm s-1'
        self.description = 'Horizontal wind speed'

    def can_do(nc):
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in ['U', 'V']])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['U']) as var:
            ws = var[item]**2
        with ScaledVar(['V']) as var:
            ws += var[item]**2
        return np.sqrt(ws)

class PRESSURE(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'hPa'
        self.description = 'Full model pressure'

    def can_do(nc):
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in ['P', 'PB']])

    def __getitem__(self, item):

        with ScaledVar(['P']) as p, \
                ScaledVar(['PB']) as pb:
            res = p[item] + pb[item]
            if p.units == 'Pa':
                res /= 100
            elif p.units == 'hPa':
        return res

class GEOPOTENTIAL(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'm2 s-2'
        self.description = 'Full model geopotential'

    def can_do(nc):
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in ['PH', 'PHB']])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['PH']) as p, \
                ScaledVar(['PHB']) as pb:
            return p[item] + pb[item]

class Z(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'm'
        self.description = 'Full model height'

    def can_do(nc):
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in ['PH', 'PHB']])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        with ScaledVar(['GEOPOTENTIAL']) as var:
            return var[item] / 9.81

class SLP(FakeVariable):
    def __init__(self, nc):
        FakeVariable.__init__(self, nc)
        self.units = 'hPa'
        self.description = 'Sea level pressure'
        dims = list(nc.variables['T'].dimensions)
        self.ds = np.nonzero(['bottom_top' in d for d in dims])[0][0]
        self._ds_shape = nc.variables['T'].shape[self.ds]

    def can_do(nc):
        # t2 is for attrs (not elegant)
        need = ['T', 'P', 'PB', 'QVAPOR', 'PH', 'PHB', 'T2']
        return np.all([n in nc.variables for n in need])

    def __getitem__(self, item):

        # take care of ellipsis and other strange indexes
        item = list(indexing.expanded_indexer(item, len(self.dimensions)))
        # we need the empty dims for _ncl_slp() to work
        squeezax = []
        for i, c in enumerate(item):
            if np.isscalar(c) and not isinstance(c, slice):
                item[i] = slice(c, c+1)
        # add a slice in the 4th dim
        item.insert(self.ds, slice(0, self._ds_shape+1))
        item = tuple(item)

        # get data
        vars =
        with ScaledVar(vars['TK']) as var:
            tk = var[item]
        with ScaledVar(vars['P']) as p, ScaledVar(vars['PB']) as pb:
            p = p[item] + pb[item]
        with ScaledVar(vars['QVAPOR']) as var:
            q = var[item]
        with ScaledVar(vars['PH']) as ph, ScaledVar(vars['PHB']) as phb:
            z = (ph[item] + phb[item]) / 9.81
        return np.squeeze(_ncl_slp(z, tk, p, q), axis=tuple(squeezax))

# Diagnostic variable classes in a list
var_classes = [cls.__name__ for cls in vars()['FakeVariable'].__subclasses__()]
var_classes.extend([cls.__name__ for cls in

def _interp1d(args):
    f = interp1d(args[0], args[1], fill_value=args[3],
    return f(args[2])

def interp3d(data, zcoord, levels, fill_value=np.NaN,
    """Interpolate on the first dimension of a 3d var

    Useful for WRF pressure or geopotential levels

    data: ndarrad
      3d or 4d array of the data to interpolate
    zcoord: ndarray
      same dims as data, the z coordinates of the data points
    levels: 1darray
      the levels at which to interpolate
    fill_value : np.NaN or 'extrapolate', optional
      how to handle levels below the topography. Default is to mark them
      as invalid, but you might want the have them extrapolated.
    use_multiprocessing: bool
      set to false if, for some reason, you don't want to use mp

    a ndarray, with the first dimension now begin of shape nlevels

    ndims = len(data.shape)
    if ndims == 4:
        out = []
        for d, z in zip(data, zcoord):
            out.append(np.expand_dims(interp3d(d, z, levels,
                                               fill_value=fill_value), 0))
        return np.concatenate(out, axis=0)
    if ndims != 3:
        raise ValueError('ndims must be 3')

    if use_multiprocessing:
        inp = []
        for j in range(data.shape[-2]):
            for i in range(data.shape[-1]):
                inp.append((zcoord[:, j, i], data[:, j, i], levels,
        out =, inp, chunksize=1000)
        out = np.asarray(out).T
        out = out.reshape((len(levels), data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1]))
        # TODO: there got to be a faster way to do this
        # same problem:
        # fast-3d-interpolation-of-atmospheric-data-in-numpy-scipy
        out = np.zeros((len(levels), data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1]))
        for i in range(data.shape[-1]):
            for j in range(data.shape[-2]):
                f = interp1d(zcoord[:, j, i], data[:, j, i],
                             fill_value=fill_value, bounds_error=False)
                out[:, j, i] = f(levels)
    return out

def _ncl_slp(z, t, p, q):
    """Computes the SLP out of the WRF variables.

    This code has been directly translated from the NCL fortran routine found
    in NCL (wrf_user.f). The NCL license is reproduced in the
    salem/licenses directory.

    Z: geopotential height
    T: temp
    P: pressure
    Q: specific humidity

    ndims = len(z.shape)
    if ndims == 4:
        out = []
        for _z, _t, _p, _q in zip(z, t, p, q):
            out.append(np.expand_dims(_ncl_slp(_z, _t, _p, _q), 0))
        return np.concatenate(out, axis=0)

    nx = z.shape[-1]
    ny = z.shape[-2]
    nz = z.shape[-3]

    r = 287.04
    g = 9.81
    gamma = 0.0065
    tc = 273.16 + 17.5
    pconst = 10000.

    #  Find least zeta level that is pconst Pa above the surface.  We
    # later use this level to extrapolate a surface pressure and
    # temperature, which is supposed to reduce the effect of the diurnal
    # heating cycle in the pressure field.

    p0 = p[0, ...]

    level = np.zeros((ny, nx), - 1
    for k in np.arange(nz):
        pok = np.nonzero((p[k, ...] < (p0 - pconst)) & (level == -1))
        level[pok] = k

    if np.any(level == -1):
        raise RuntimeError('Error_in_finding_100_hPa_up')  # pragma: no cover

    klo = (level-1).clip(0, nz-1)
    khi = (klo+1).clip(0, nz-1)

    if np.any((klo - khi) == 0):
        raise RuntimeError('Trapping levels are weird.')  # pragma: no cover

    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx,,

    plo = p[klo, y, x]
    phi = p[khi, y, x]

    zlo = z[klo, y, x]
    zhi = z[khi, y, x]

    tlo = t[klo, y, x]
    thi = t[khi, y, x]

    qlo = q[klo, y, x]
    qhi = q[khi, y, x]

    tlo *= (1. + 0.608 * qlo)
    thi *= (1. + 0.608 * qhi)

    p_at_pconst = p0 - pconst
    t_at_pconst = thi - (thi-tlo) * np.log(p_at_pconst/phi) * np.log(plo/phi)
    z_at_pconst = zhi - (zhi-zlo) * np.log(p_at_pconst/phi) * np.log(plo/phi)
    t_surf = t_at_pconst * ((p0/p_at_pconst)**(gamma*r/g))
    t_sea_level = t_at_pconst + gamma * z_at_pconst

    # If we follow a traditional computation, there is a correction to the
    # sea level temperature if both the surface and sea level
    # temperatures are *too* hot.
    l1 = t_sea_level < tc
    l2 = t_surf <= tc
    l3 = ~l1
    t_sea_level = tc - 0.005 * (t_surf-tc)**2
    pok = np.nonzero(l2 & l3)
    t_sea_level[pok] = tc

    # The grand finale
    z_half_lowest = z[0, ...]

    # Convert to hPa in this step
    return 0.01 * (p0 * np.exp((2.*g*z_half_lowest)/(r*(t_sea_level+t_surf))))

[docs]def geogrid_simulator(fpath, do_maps=True, map_kwargs=None): """Emulates geogrid.exe, which is useful when defining new WRF domains. Parameters ---------- fpath: str path to a namelist.wps file do_maps: bool if you want the simulator to return you maps of the grids as well map_kwargs: dict kwargs to pass to salem.Map() Returns ------- (grids, maps) with: - grids: a list of Grids corresponding to the domains defined in the namelist - maps: a list of maps corresponding to the grids (if do_maps==True) """ with open(fpath) as f: lines = f.readlines() pargs = dict() for l in lines: s = l.split('=') if len(s) < 2: continue s0 = s[0].strip().upper() s1 = list(filter(None, s[1].strip().replace('\n', '').split(','))) if s0 == 'PARENT_ID': parent_id = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'PARENT_GRID_RATIO': parent_ratio = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'I_PARENT_START': i_parent_start = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'J_PARENT_START': j_parent_start = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'E_WE': e_we = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'E_SN': e_sn = [int(s) for s in s1] if s0 == 'DX': dx = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'DY': dy = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'MAP_PROJ': map_proj = s1[0].replace("'", '').strip().upper() if s0 == 'REF_LAT': pargs['lat_0'] = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'REF_LON': pargs['ref_lon'] = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'TRUELAT1': pargs['lat_1'] = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'TRUELAT2': pargs['lat_2'] = float(s1[0]) if s0 == 'STAND_LON': pargs['lon_0'] = float(s1[0]) # Sometimes files are not complete pargs.setdefault('lon_0', pargs['ref_lon']) # define projection if map_proj == 'LAMBERT': pwrf = '+proj=lcc +lat_1={lat_1} +lat_2={lat_2} ' \ '+lat_0={lat_0} +lon_0={lon_0} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' pwrf = pwrf.format(**pargs) elif map_proj == 'MERCATOR': pwrf = '+proj=merc +lat_ts={lat_1} +lon_0={lon_0} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' pwrf = pwrf.format(**pargs) elif map_proj == 'POLAR': pwrf = '+proj=stere +lat_ts={lat_1} +lat_0=90.0 +lon_0={lon_0} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' pwrf = pwrf.format(**pargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('WRF proj not implemented yet: ' '{}'.format(map_proj)) pwrf = gis.check_crs(pwrf) # get easting and northings from dom center (probably unnecessary here) e, n = gis.transform_proj(wgs84, pwrf, pargs['ref_lon'], pargs['lat_0']) # LL corner nx, ny = e_we[0]-1, e_sn[0]-1 x0 = -(nx-1) / 2. * dx + e # -2 because of staggered grid y0 = -(ny-1) / 2. * dy + n # parent grid grid = gis.Grid(nxny=(nx, ny), x0y0=(x0, y0), dxdy=(dx, dy), proj=pwrf) # child grids out = [grid] for ips, jps, pid, ratio, we, sn in zip(i_parent_start, j_parent_start, parent_id, parent_ratio, e_we, e_sn): if ips == 1: continue ips -= 1 jps -= 1 we -= 1 sn -= 1 nx = we / ratio ny = sn / ratio if nx != (we / ratio): raise RuntimeError('e_we and ratios are incompatible: ' '(e_we - 1) / ratio must be integer!') if ny != (sn / ratio): raise RuntimeError('e_sn and ratios are incompatible: ' '(e_sn - 1) / ratio must be integer!') prevgrid = out[pid - 1] xx, yy = prevgrid.corner_grid.x_coord, prevgrid.corner_grid.y_coord dx = prevgrid.dx / ratio dy = prevgrid.dy / ratio grid = gis.Grid(nxny=(we, sn), x0y0=(xx[ips], yy[jps]), dxdy=(dx, dy), pixel_ref='corner', proj=pwrf) out.append(grid.center_grid) maps = None if do_maps: from salem import Map import shapely.geometry as shpg if map_kwargs is None: map_kwargs = {} maps = [] for i, g in enumerate(out): m = Map(g, **map_kwargs) for j in range(i+1, len(out)): cg = out[j] left, right, bottom, top = cg.extent s = np.array([(left, bottom), (right, bottom), (right, top), (left, top)]) l1 = shpg.LinearRing(s) m.set_geometry(l1, crs=cg.proj, linewidth=(len(out)-j), zorder=5) maps.append(m) return out, maps