Source code for salem.sio

Input output functions (but mostly input)
from __future__ import division

import os
from glob import glob
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
import warnings

import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import cftime

from salem.utils import memory, cached_shapefile_path
from salem import gis, utils, wgs84, wrftools, proj_to_cartopy

import xarray as xr
from xarray.backends.netCDF4_ import NetCDF4DataStore
from xarray.core import dtypes
    from xarray.backends.locks import (NETCDFC_LOCK, HDF5_LOCK, combine_locks)
except ImportError:
    # xarray < v0.11
    from xarray.backends.api import _default_lock as NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK
    from xarray.core.pycompat import basestring
except ImportError:
    # latest xarray dropped python2 support, so we can safely assume py3 here
    basestring = str

# Locals
from salem import transform_proj

[docs]def read_shapefile(fpath, cached=False): """Reads a shapefile using geopandas. For convenience, it adds four columns to the dataframe: [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y] Because reading a shapefile can take a long time, Salem provides a caching utility (cached=True). This will save a pickle of the shapefile in the cache directory. """ import geopandas as gpd _, ext = os.path.splitext(fpath) if ext.lower() in ['.shp', '.p']: if cached: cpath = cached_shapefile_path(fpath) # unpickle if cached, read and pickle if not if os.path.exists(cpath): with open(cpath, 'rb') as f: out = pickle.load(f) else: out = read_shapefile(fpath, cached=False) with open(cpath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(out, f) else: out = gpd.read_file(fpath) out['min_x'] = [g.bounds[0] for g in out.geometry] out['max_x'] = [g.bounds[2] for g in out.geometry] out['min_y'] = [g.bounds[1] for g in out.geometry] out['max_y'] = [g.bounds[3] for g in out.geometry] else: raise ValueError('File extension not recognised: {}'.format(ext)) return out
@memory.cache(ignore=['grid']) def _memory_shapefile_to_grid(shape_cpath, grid=None, nxny=None, pixel_ref=None, x0y0=None, dxdy=None, proj=None): """Quick solution using joblib in order to not transform many times the same shape (useful for maps). Since grid is a complex object, joblib seems to have trouble with it. So joblib is checking its cache according to the grid params while the job is done with grid. """ shape = read_shapefile(shape_cpath, cached=True) e = grid.extent_in_crs( p = np.nonzero(~((shape['min_x'].to_numpy() > e[1]) | (shape['max_x'].to_numpy() < e[0]) | (shape['min_y'].to_numpy() > e[3]) | (shape['max_y'].to_numpy() < e[2]))) shape = shape.iloc[p] shape = gis.transform_geopandas(shape, to_crs=grid, inplace=True) return shape
[docs]def read_shapefile_to_grid(fpath, grid): """Same as read_shapefile but directly transformed to a grid. The whole thing is cached so that the second call will will be much faster. Parameters ---------- fpath: path to the file grid: the arrival grid """ # ensure it is a cached pickle (copy code smell) shape_cpath = cached_shapefile_path(fpath) if not os.path.exists(shape_cpath): out = read_shapefile(fpath, cached=False) with open(shape_cpath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(out, f) return _memory_shapefile_to_grid(shape_cpath, grid=grid, **grid.to_dict())
# TODO: remove this once we sure that we have all WRF files right tmp_check_wrf = True def _wrf_grid_from_dataset(ds): """Get the WRF projection out of the file.""" pargs = dict() if hasattr(ds, 'PROJ_ENVI_STRING'): # HAR and other TU Berlin files dx = ds.GRID_DX dy = ds.GRID_DY pargs['lat_1'] = ds.PROJ_STANDARD_PAR1 pargs['lat_2'] = ds.PROJ_STANDARD_PAR2 pargs['lat_0'] = ds.PROJ_CENTRAL_LAT pargs['lon_0'] = ds.PROJ_CENTRAL_LON pargs['center_lon'] = ds.PROJ_CENTRAL_LON if ds.PROJ_NAME in ['Lambert Conformal Conic', 'WRF Lambert Conformal']: proj_id = 1 elif ds.PROJ_NAME in ['lat-lon']: proj_id = 6 else: proj_id = 99 # pragma: no cover else: # Normal WRF file cen_lon = ds.CEN_LON cen_lat = ds.CEN_LAT dx = ds.DX dy = ds.DY pargs['lat_1'] = ds.TRUELAT1 pargs['lat_2'] = ds.TRUELAT2 pargs['lat_0'] = ds.MOAD_CEN_LAT pargs['lon_0'] = ds.STAND_LON pargs['center_lon'] = ds.CEN_LON proj_id = ds.MAP_PROJ if proj_id == 1: # Lambert p4 = '+proj=lcc +lat_1={lat_1} +lat_2={lat_2} ' \ '+lat_0={lat_0} +lon_0={lon_0} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' p4 = p4.format(**pargs) elif proj_id == 2: # Polar stereo p4 = '+proj=stere +lat_ts={lat_1} +lon_0={lon_0} +lat_0=90.0' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' p4 = p4.format(**pargs) elif proj_id == 3: # Mercator p4 = '+proj=merc +lat_ts={lat_1} ' \ '+lon_0={center_lon} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' p4 = p4.format(**pargs) elif proj_id == 6: # Lat-long p4 = '+proj=eqc ' \ '+lon_0={lon_0} ' \ '+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370000 +b=6370000' p4 = p4.format(**pargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('WRF proj not implemented yet: ' '{}'.format(proj_id)) proj = gis.check_crs(p4) if proj is None: raise RuntimeError('WRF proj not understood: {}'.format(p4)) # Here we have to accept xarray and netCDF4 datasets try: nx = len(ds.dimensions['west_east']) ny = len(ds.dimensions['south_north']) except AttributeError: # maybe an xarray dataset nx = ds.dims['west_east'] ny = ds.dims['south_north'] if hasattr(ds, 'PROJ_ENVI_STRING'): # HAR x0 = ds['west_east'][0] y0 = ds['south_north'][0] else: # Normal WRF file e, n = gis.transform_proj(wgs84, proj, cen_lon, cen_lat) x0 = -(nx-1) / 2. * dx + e # DL corner y0 = -(ny-1) / 2. * dy + n # DL corner grid = gis.Grid(nxny=(nx, ny), x0y0=(x0, y0), dxdy=(dx, dy), proj=proj) if tmp_check_wrf: # Temporary asserts if 'XLONG' in ds.variables: # Normal WRF reflon = ds.variables['XLONG'] reflat = ds.variables['XLAT'] elif 'XLONG_M' in ds.variables: # geo_em reflon = ds.variables['XLONG_M'] reflat = ds.variables['XLAT_M'] elif 'lon' in ds.variables: # HAR reflon = ds.variables['lon'] reflat = ds.variables['lat'] else: raise RuntimeError("couldn't test for correct WRF lon-lat") if len(reflon.shape) == 3: reflon = reflon[0, :, :] reflat = reflat[0, :, :] mylon, mylat = grid.ll_coordinates atol = 5e-3 if proj_id == 2 else 1e-3 check = np.isclose(reflon, mylon, atol=atol) if not np.alltrue(check): n_pix = np.sum(~check) maxe = np.max(np.abs(reflon - mylon)) if maxe < (360 - atol): warnings.warn('For {} grid points, the expected accuracy ({}) ' 'of our lons did not match those of the WRF ' 'file. Max error: {}'.format(n_pix, atol, maxe)) check = np.isclose(reflat, mylat, atol=atol) if not np.alltrue(check): n_pix = np.sum(~check) maxe = np.max(np.abs(reflat - mylat)) warnings.warn('For {} grid points, the expected accuracy ({}) ' 'of our lats did not match those of the WRF file. ' 'Max error: {}'.format(n_pix, atol, maxe)) return grid def _lonlat_grid_from_dataset(ds): """Seek for longitude and latitude coordinates.""" # Do we have some standard names as variable? vns = ds.variables.keys() xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim']) yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim']) # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1: x = None for xp in xc: if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1: x = xp y = None for yp in yc: if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1: y = yp if (x is None) or (y is None): return None # OK, get it lon = ds.variables[x][:] lat = ds.variables[y][:] # double check for dubious variables if not utils.str_in_list([x], utils.valid_names['lon_var']) or \ not utils.str_in_list([y], utils.valid_names['lat_var']): # name not usual. see if at least the range follows some conv if (np.max(np.abs(lon)) > 360.1) or (np.max(np.abs(lat)) > 90.1): return None # Make the grid dx = lon[1]-lon[0] dy = lat[1]-lat[0] args = dict(nxny=(lon.shape[0], lat.shape[0]), proj=wgs84, dxdy=(dx, dy), x0y0=(lon[0], lat[0])) return gis.Grid(**args) def _salem_grid_from_dataset(ds): """Seek for coordinates that Salem might have created. Current convention: x_coord, y_coord, pyproj_srs as attribute """ # Projection try: proj = ds.pyproj_srs except AttributeError: proj = None proj = gis.check_crs(proj) if proj is None: return None # Do we have some standard names as variable? vns = ds.variables.keys() xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim']) yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim']) # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1: x = None for xp in xc: if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1: x = xp y = None for yp in yc: if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1: y = yp if (x is None) or (y is None): return None # OK, get it x = ds.variables[x][:] y = ds.variables[y][:] # Make the grid dx = x[1]-x[0] dy = y[1]-y[0] args = dict(nxny=(x.shape[0], y.shape[0]), proj=proj, dxdy=(dx, dy), x0y0=(x[0], y[0])) return gis.Grid(**args)
[docs]def grid_from_dataset(ds): """Find out if the dataset contains enough info for Salem to understand. ``ds`` can be an xarray dataset or a NetCDF dataset, or anything that resembles it. Returns a :py:class:`~salem.Grid` if successful, ``None`` otherwise """ # try if it is a salem file out = _salem_grid_from_dataset(ds) if out is not None: return out # maybe it's a WRF file? if hasattr(ds, 'MOAD_CEN_LAT') or hasattr(ds, 'PROJ_ENVI_STRING'): # WRF and HAR have some special attributes return _wrf_grid_from_dataset(ds) # Try out platte carree return _lonlat_grid_from_dataset(ds)
def netcdf_time(ncobj, monthbegin=False): """Check if the netcdf file contains a time that Salem understands.""" import pandas as pd time = None try: vt = utils.str_in_list(ncobj.variables.keys(), utils.valid_names['time_var'])[0] except IndexError: # no time variable return None if hasattr(ncobj, 'TITLE') and 'GEOGRID' in ncobj.TITLE: # geogrid file pass elif ncobj[vt].dtype in ['|S1', '|S19']: # WRF file time = [] try: stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:].values except AttributeError: stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:] for t in stimes: time.append(pd.to_datetime(t.tobytes().decode(), errors='raise', format='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')) elif vt is not None: # CF time var = ncobj.variables[vt] try: # We want python times because pandas doesn't understand # CFtime time = cftime.num2date(var[:], var.units, only_use_cftime_datetimes=False, only_use_python_datetimes=True) except TypeError: # Old versions of cftime did return python times when possible time = cftime.num2date(var[:], var.units) if monthbegin: # sometimes monthly data is centered in the month (stupid) time = [datetime(t.year, t.month, 1) for t in time] return time class _XarrayAccessorBase(object): """Common logic for for both data structures (DataArray and Dataset). """ def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj if isinstance(xarray_obj, xr.DataArray): xarray_obj = xarray_obj.to_dataset(name='var') try: # maybe there was already some georef xarray_obj.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = xarray_obj['var'].pyproj_srs except: pass self.grid = grid_from_dataset(xarray_obj) if self.grid is None: raise RuntimeError('dataset Grid not understood.') dn = xarray_obj.dims.keys() self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0] self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0] dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim']) self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim']) self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None def subset(self, margin=0, ds=None, **kwargs): """subset(self, margin=0, shape=None, geometry=None, grid=None, corners=None, crs=wgs84, roi=None) Get a subset of the dataset. Accepts all keywords of :py:func:`~Grid.roi` Parameters ---------- ds : Dataset or DataArray form the ROI from the extent of the Dataset or DataArray shape : str path to a shapefile geometry : geometry a shapely geometry (don't forget the crs keyword) grid : Grid a Grid object which extent will form the ROI corners : tuple a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square to subset the dataset to (don't forget the crs keyword) crs : crs, default wgs84 coordinate reference system of the geometry and corners roi : ndarray a mask for the region of interest to subset the dataset onto margin : int add a margin to the region to subset (can be negative!). Can be used a single keyword, too: set_subset(margin=-5) will remove five pixels from each boundary of the dataset. """ if ds is not None: grid = ds.salem.grid kwargs.setdefault('grid', grid) mask = self.grid.region_of_interest(**kwargs) if not kwargs: # user just wants a margin mask[:] = 1 ids = np.nonzero(mask) sub_x = [np.min(ids[1]) - margin, np.max(ids[1]) + margin] sub_y = [np.min(ids[0]) - margin, np.max(ids[0]) + margin] out_ds = self._obj[{self.x_dim : slice(sub_x[0], sub_x[1]+1), self.y_dim : slice(sub_y[0], sub_y[1]+1)} ] return out_ds def roi(self, ds=None, **kwargs): """roi(self, shape=None, geometry=None, grid=None, corners=None, crs=wgs84, roi=None, all_touched=False, other=None) Make a region of interest (ROI) for the dataset. All grid points outside the ROI will be masked out. Parameters ---------- ds : Dataset or DataArray form the ROI from the extent of the Dataset or DataArray shape : str path to a shapefile geometry : geometry a shapely geometry (don't forget the crs keyword) grid : Grid a Grid object which extent will form the ROI corners : tuple a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square to subset the dataset to (don't forget the crs keyword) crs : crs, default wgs84 coordinate reference system of the geometry and corners roi : ndarray if you have a mask ready, you can give it here all_touched : boolean pass-through argument for rasterio.features.rasterize, indicating that all grid cells which are clipped by the shapefile defining the region of interest should be included (default=False) other : scalar, DataArray or Dataset, optional Value to use for locations in this object where cond is False. By default, these locations filled with NA. As in """ other = kwargs.pop('other', dtypes.NA) if ds is not None: grid = ds.salem.grid kwargs.setdefault('grid', grid) mask = self.grid.region_of_interest(**kwargs) out = self._obj.where(mask, other=other) # keep attrs and encoding out.attrs = self._obj.attrs out.encoding = self._obj.encoding if isinstance(out, xr.Dataset): for v in self._obj.variables: out[v].encoding = self._obj[v].encoding if isinstance(out, xr.DataArray): = # add pyproj string everywhere out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs if isinstance(out, xr.Dataset): for v in out.data_vars: out.variables[v].attrs = self._obj.variables[v].attrs out.variables[v].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs return out def get_map(self, **kwargs): """Make a salem.Map out of the dataset. All keywords are passed to :py:class:salem.Map """ from import Map return Map(self.grid, **kwargs) def _quick_map(self, obj, ax=None, interp='nearest', **kwargs): """Make a plot of a data array.""" # some metadata? title = or '' if obj._title_for_slice(): title += ' (' + obj._title_for_slice() + ')' cb = obj.attrs['units'] if 'units' in obj.attrs else '' smap = self.get_map(**kwargs) smap.set_data(obj.values, interp=interp) smap.visualize(ax=ax, title=title, cbar_title=cb) return smap def cartopy(self): """Get a for this dataset.""" return proj_to_cartopy(self.grid.proj) def _apply_transform(self, transform, grid, other, return_lut=False): """Common transform mixin""" was_dataarray = False if not isinstance(other, xr.Dataset): try: other = other.to_dataset( was_dataarray = True except AttributeError: # must be a ndarray if return_lut: rdata, lut = transform(other, grid=grid, return_lut=True) else: rdata = transform(other, grid=grid) # let's guess sh = rdata.shape nd = len(sh) if nd == 2: dims = (self.y_dim, self.x_dim) elif nd == 3: newdim = 'new_dim' if self.t_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.t_dim]: newdim = self.t_dim if self.z_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.z_dim]: newdim = self.z_dim dims = (newdim, self.y_dim, self.x_dim) else: raise NotImplementedError('more than 3 dims not ok yet.') coords = {} for d in dims: if d in self._obj: coords[d] = self._obj[d] out = xr.DataArray(rdata, coords=coords, dims=dims) out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs if return_lut: return out, lut else: return out # go out = xr.Dataset() for v in other.data_vars: var = other[v] if return_lut: rdata, lut = transform(var, return_lut=True) else: rdata = transform(var) # remove old coords dims = [d for d in var.dims] coords = {} for c in var.coords: n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['x_dim']) if n: dims = [self.x_dim if x in n else x for x in dims] continue n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['y_dim']) if n: dims = [self.y_dim if x in n else x for x in dims] continue coords[c] = var.coords[c] # add new ones coords[self.x_dim] = self._obj[self.x_dim] coords[self.y_dim] = self._obj[self.y_dim] rdata = xr.DataArray(rdata, coords=coords, attrs=var.attrs, dims=dims) rdata.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs out[v] = rdata if was_dataarray: out = out[v] else: out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs if return_lut: return out, lut else: return out def transform(self, other, grid=None, interp='nearest', ks=3): """Reprojects an other Dataset or DataArray onto self. The returned object has the same data structure as ``other`` (i.e. variables names, attributes), but is defined on the new grid (``self.grid``). Parameters ---------- other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray the data to project onto self grid: salem.Grid in case the input dataset does not carry georef info interp : str 'nearest' (default), 'linear', or 'spline' ks : int Degree of the bivariate spline. Default is 3. Returns ------- a dataset or a dataarray """ transform = partial(self.grid.map_gridded_data, interp=interp, ks=ks) return self._apply_transform(transform, grid, other) def lookup_transform(self, other, grid=None, method=np.mean, lut=None, return_lut=False): """Reprojects an other Dataset or DataArray onto self using the forward tranform lookup. See : :py:meth:`Grid.lookup_transform` Parameters ---------- other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray the data to project onto self grid: salem.Grid in case the input dataset does not carry georef info method : function, default: np.mean the aggregation method. Possibilities: np.std, np.median, np.sum, and more. Use ``len`` to count the number of grid points! lut : ndarray, optional computing the lookup table can be expensive. If you have several operations to do with the same grid, set ``lut`` to an existing table obtained from a previous call to :py:meth:`Grid.grid_lookup` return_lut : bool, optional set to True if you want to return the lookup table for later use. in this case, returns a tuple Returns ------- a dataset or a dataarray If ``return_lut==True``, also return the lookup table """ transform = partial(self.grid.lookup_transform, method=method, lut=lut) return self._apply_transform(transform, grid, other, return_lut=return_lut) @xr.register_dataarray_accessor('salem') class DataArrayAccessor(_XarrayAccessorBase):
[docs] def quick_map(self, ax=None, interp='nearest', **kwargs): """Make a plot of the DataArray.""" return self._quick_map(self._obj, ax=ax, interp=interp, **kwargs)
[docs] def deacc(self, as_rate=True): """De-accumulates the variable (i.e. compute the variable's rate). The returned variable has one element less over the time dimension. The default is to return in units per hour. Parameters ---------- as_rate: bool set to false if you don't want units per hour, but units per given data timestep """ out = self._obj[{self.t_dim : slice(1, len(self._obj[self.t_dim]))}] diff = self._obj[{self.t_dim : slice(0, len(self._obj[self.t_dim])-1)}] out.values = out.values - diff.values out.attrs['description'] = out.attrs['description'].replace('ACCUMULATED ', '') if as_rate: dth = self._obj.time[1].values - self._obj.time[0].values dth = dth.astype('timedelta64[h]').astype(float) out.values = out.values / dth out.attrs['units'] += ' h-1' else: out.attrs['units'] += ' step-1' return out
[docs] def interpz(self, zcoord, levels, dim_name='', fill_value=np.NaN, use_multiprocessing=True): """Interpolates the array along the vertical dimension Parameters ---------- zcoord: DataArray the z coordinates of the variable. Must be of same dimensions levels: 1dArray the levels at which to interpolate dim_name: str the name of the new dimension fill_value : np.NaN or 'extrapolate', optional how to handle levels below the topography. Default is to mark them as invalid, but you might want the have them extrapolated. use_multiprocessing: bool set to false if, for some reason, you don't want to use mp Returns ------- a new DataArray with the interpolated data """ if self.z_dim is None: raise RuntimeError('zdimension not recognized') data = wrftools.interp3d(self._obj.values, zcoord.values, np.atleast_1d(levels), fill_value=fill_value, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing) dims = list(self._obj.dims) zd = np.nonzero([self.z_dim == d for d in dims])[0][0] dims[zd] = dim_name coords = dict(self._obj.coords) coords.pop(self.z_dim, None) coords[dim_name] = np.atleast_1d(levels) out = xr.DataArray(data,, dims=dims, coords=coords) out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs if not np.asarray(levels).shape: out = out.isel(**{dim_name:0}) return out
@xr.register_dataset_accessor('salem') class DatasetAccessor(_XarrayAccessorBase):
[docs] def quick_map(self, varname, ax=None, interp='nearest', **kwargs): """Make a plot of a variable of the DataSet.""" return self._quick_map(self._obj[varname], ax=ax, interp=interp, **kwargs)
[docs] def transform_and_add(self, other, grid=None, interp='nearest', ks=3, name=None): """Reprojects an other Dataset and adds it's content to the current one. Parameters ---------- other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray the data to project onto self grid: salem.Grid in case the input dataset does not carry georef info interp : str 'nearest' (default), 'linear', or 'spline' ks : int Degree of the bivariate spline. Default is 3. name: str or dict-like how to name to new variables in self. Per default the new variables are going to keep their name (it will raise an error in case of conflict). Set to a str to to rename the variable (if unique) or set to a dict for mapping the old names to the new names for datasets. """ out = self.transform(other, grid=grid, interp=interp, ks=ks) if isinstance(out, xr.DataArray): new_name = name or if new_name is None: raise ValueError('You need to set name') self._obj[new_name] = out else: for v in out.data_vars: try: new_name = name[v] except (KeyError, TypeError): new_name = v self._obj[new_name] = out[v]
[docs] def wrf_zlevel(self, varname, levels=None, fill_value=np.NaN, use_multiprocessing=True): """Interpolates to a specified height above sea level. Parameters ---------- varname: str the name of the variable to interpolate levels: 1d array levels at which to interpolate (default: some levels I thought of) fill_value : np.NaN or 'extrapolate', optional how to handle levels below the topography. Default is to mark them as invalid, but you might want the have them extrapolated. use_multiprocessing: bool set to false if, for some reason, you don't want to use mp Returns ------- an interpolated DataArray """ if levels is None: levels = np.array([10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 7500, 10000]) zcoord = self._obj['Z'] out = self._obj[varname].salem.interpz(zcoord, levels, dim_name='z', fill_value=fill_value, use_multiprocessing= use_multiprocessing) out['z'].attrs['description'] = 'height above sea level' out['z'].attrs['units'] = 'm' return out
[docs] def wrf_plevel(self, varname, levels=None, fill_value=np.NaN, use_multiprocessing=True): """Interpolates to a specified pressure level (hPa). Parameters ---------- varname: str the name of the variable to interpolate levels: 1d array levels at which to interpolate (default: some levels I thought of) fill_value : np.NaN or 'extrapolate', optional how to handle levels below the topography. Default is to mark them as invalid, but you might want the have them extrapolated. use_multiprocessing: bool set to false if, for some reason, you don't want to use mp Returns ------- an interpolated DataArray """ if levels is None: levels = np.array([1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 300, 200, 100]) zcoord = self._obj['PRESSURE'] out = self._obj[varname].salem.interpz(zcoord, levels, dim_name='p', fill_value=fill_value, use_multiprocessing= use_multiprocessing) out['p'].attrs['description'] = 'pressure' out['p'].attrs['units'] = 'hPa' return out
[docs]def open_xr_dataset(file): """Thin wrapper around xarray's open_dataset. This is needed because variables often have not enough georef attrs to be understood alone, and datasets tend to loose their attrs with operations... Returns ------- an xarray Dataset """ # if geotiff, use Salem p, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if (ext.lower() == '.tif') or (ext.lower() == '.tiff'): from salem import GeoTiff geo = GeoTiff(file) # TODO: currently everything is loaded in memory (baaad) da = xr.DataArray(geo.get_vardata(), coords={'x': geo.grid.x_coord, 'y': geo.grid.y_coord}, dims=['y', 'x']) ds = xr.Dataset() ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = geo.grid.proj.srs ds['data'] = da ds['data'].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = geo.grid.proj.srs return ds # otherwise rely on xarray ds = xr.open_dataset(file) # did we get the grid? If not no need to go further grid = ds.salem.grid # add cartesian coords for WRF if 'west_east' in ds.dims: ds['west_east'] = ds.salem.grid.x_coord ds['south_north'] = ds.salem.grid.y_coord # add pyproj string everywhere ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = grid.proj.srs for v in ds.data_vars: ds[v].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = grid.proj.srs return ds
[docs]def open_wrf_dataset(file, **kwargs): """Wrapper around xarray's open_dataset to make WRF files a bit better. This is needed because variables often have not enough georef attrs to be understood alone, and datasets tend to loose their attrs with operations... Parameters ---------- file : str the path to the WRF file **kwargs : optional Additional arguments passed on to ``xarray.open_dataset``. Returns ------- an xarray Dataset """ nc = netCDF4.Dataset(file) nc.set_auto_mask(False) # Change staggered variables to unstaggered ones for vn, v in nc.variables.items(): if wrftools.Unstaggerer.can_do(v): nc.variables[vn] = wrftools.Unstaggerer(v) # Check if we can add diagnostic variables to the pot for vn in wrftools.var_classes: cl = getattr(wrftools, vn) if vn not in nc.variables and cl.can_do(nc): nc.variables[vn] = cl(nc) # trick xarray with our custom netcdf ds = xr.open_dataset(NetCDF4DataStore(nc), **kwargs) # remove time dimension to lon lat for vn in ['XLONG', 'XLAT']: try: v = ds[vn].isel(Time=0) ds[vn] = xr.DataArray(v.values, dims=['south_north', 'west_east']) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass # Convert time (if necessary) if 'Time' in ds.dims: time = netcdf_time(ds) if time is not None: ds['Time'] = time ds = ds.rename({'Time':'time'}) tr = {'Time': 'time', 'XLAT': 'lat', 'XLONG': 'lon', 'XTIME': 'xtime'} tr = {k: tr[k] for k in tr.keys() if k in ds.variables} ds = ds.rename(tr) # drop ugly vars vns = ['Times', 'XLAT_V', 'XLAT_U', 'XLONG_U', 'XLONG_V'] vns = [vn for vn in vns if vn in ds.variables] try: ds = ds.drop_vars(vns) except AttributeError: ds = ds.drop(vns) # add cartesian coords ds['west_east'] = ds.salem.grid.x_coord ds['south_north'] = ds.salem.grid.y_coord # add pyproj string everywhere ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = ds.salem.grid.proj.srs for v in ds.data_vars: ds[v].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = ds.salem.grid.proj.srs return ds
def is_rotated_proj_working(): import pyproj srs = ('+ellps=WGS84 +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=latlon ' '+to_meter=0.0174532925199433 +o_lon_p=0.0 +o_lat_p=80.5 ' '+lon_0=357.5 +no_defs') p1 = pyproj.Proj(srs) p2 = wgs84 return np.isclose(transform_proj(p1, p2, -20, -9), [-22.243473889042903, -0.06328365194179102], atol=1e-5).all()
[docs]def open_metum_dataset(file, pole_longitude=None, pole_latitude=None, central_rotated_longitude=0., **kwargs): """Wrapper to Met Office Unified Model files (experimental) This is needed because these files are a little messy. Parameters ---------- file : str the path to the MetUM file pole_longitude: optional Pole longitude position, in unrotated degrees. Defaults to the one found in the file (if found) and errors otherwise. pole_latitude: optional Pole latitude position, in unrotated degrees. Defaults to the one found in the file (if found) and errors otherwise. central_rotated_longitude: optional Longitude rotation about the new pole, in degrees. Defaults to the one found in the file (if found) and 0 otherwise. **kwargs : optional Additional arguments passed on to ``xarray.open_dataset``. Returns ------- an xarray Dataset """ if not is_rotated_proj_working(): raise RuntimeError('open_metum_dataset currently does not ' 'work with certain PROJ versions: ' '') # open with xarray ds = xr.open_dataset(file, **kwargs) # Correct for lons vn_list = ['grid_longitude_t', 'grid_longitude_uv', 'rlon'] for vn in vn_list: if vn in ds.coords: v = ds[vn] ds[vn] = v.where(v <= 180, v - 360) # get pyproj string if pole_longitude is None or pole_latitude is None: # search for specific attributes names n_lon = 'grid_north_pole_longitude' n_lat = 'grid_north_pole_latitude' # first in dataset pole_longitude = ds.attrs.get(n_lon, None) pole_latitude = ds.attrs.get(n_lat, None) # then as variable attribute if pole_longitude is None or pole_latitude is None: for k, v in ds.variables.items(): if n_lon in v.attrs: pole_longitude = v.attrs[n_lon] if n_lat in v.attrs: pole_latitude = v.attrs[n_lat] if pole_longitude is not None and pole_latitude is not None: break srs = ('+ellps=WGS84 +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=latlon ' '+to_meter=0.0174532925199433 ' '+o_lon_p={o_lon_p} +o_lat_p={o_lat_p} +lon_0={lon_0} +no_defs') params = { 'o_lon_p': central_rotated_longitude, 'o_lat_p': pole_latitude, 'lon_0': 180 + pole_longitude, } srs = srs.format(**params) # add pyproj string everywhere ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = srs for v in ds.data_vars: ds[v].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = srs return ds
[docs]def open_mf_wrf_dataset(paths, chunks=None, compat='no_conflicts', lock=None, preprocess=None): """Open multiple WRF files as a single WRF dataset. Requires dask to be installed. Note that if your files are sliced by time, certain diagnostic variable computed out of accumulated variables (e.g. PRCP) won't be available, because not computable lazily. This code is adapted from xarray's open_mfdataset function. The xarray license is reproduced in the salem/licenses directory. Parameters ---------- paths : str or sequence Either a string glob in the form `path/to/my/files/*.nc` or an explicit list of files to open. chunks : int or dict, optional Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by chunk sizes. In general, these should divide the dimensions of each dataset. If int, chunk each dimension by ``chunks`` . By default, chunks will be chosen to load entire input files into memory at once. This has a major impact on performance: please see xarray's full documentation for more details. compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts'}, optional String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for potential conflicts when merging: - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions. - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same. - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the same. - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination of all non-null values. preprocess : callable, optional If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to concatenation. lock : False, True or threading.Lock, optional This argument is passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`. By default, a per-variable lock is used when reading data from netCDF files with the netcdf4 and h5netcdf engines to avoid issues with concurrent access when using dask's multithreaded backend. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset """ if isinstance(paths, basestring): paths = sorted(glob(paths)) if not paths: raise IOError('no files to open') # TODO: current workaround to dask thread problems import dask dask.config.set(scheduler='single-threaded') if lock is None: lock = NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK try: datasets = [open_wrf_dataset(p, chunks=chunks or {}, lock=lock) for p in paths] except TypeError as err: if 'lock' not in str(err): raise # New xarray backends datasets = [open_wrf_dataset(p, chunks=chunks or {}) for p in paths] orig_datasets = datasets def ds_closer(): for ods in orig_datasets: ods.close() if preprocess is not None: datasets = [preprocess(ds) for ds in datasets] try: combined = xr.combine_nested(datasets, combine_attrs='drop_conflicts', concat_dim='time', compat=compat) except ValueError: # Older xarray combined = xr.combine_nested(datasets, concat_dim='time', compat=compat) except AttributeError: # Even older combined = xr.auto_combine(datasets, concat_dim='time', compat=compat) combined.attrs = datasets[0].attrs try: combined.set_close(ds_closer) except AttributeError: from xarray.backends.api import _MultiFileCloser mfc = _MultiFileCloser([ods._file_obj for ods in orig_datasets]) combined._file_obj = mfc # drop accumulated vars if needed (TODO: make this not hard coded) vns = ['PRCP', 'PRCP_C', 'PRCP_NC'] vns = [vn for vn in vns if vn in combined.variables] try: combined = combined.drop_vars(vns) except AttributeError: combined = combined.drop(vns) return combined