Source code for

Color handling and maps.
from __future__ import division

# Builtins
import warnings
import os
from os import path
import copy
# External libs
import numpy as np

    from skimage.transform import resize as imresize
    has_skimage = True
except ImportError:
    has_skimage = False

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection, LineCollection
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, LineString, Polygon
from salem.descartes import PolygonPatch
from matplotlib.transforms import Transform as MPLTranform

from salem import utils, gis, sio, Grid, wgs84, sample_data_dir, GeoTiff

shapefiles = dict()
shapefiles['world_borders'] = path.join(sample_data_dir, 'shapes',
                                        'world_borders', 'world_borders.shp')
shapefiles['oceans'] = path.join(sample_data_dir, 'shapes', 'oceans',
shapefiles['rivers'] = path.join(sample_data_dir, 'shapes', 'rivers',
shapefiles['lakes'] = path.join(sample_data_dir, 'shapes', 'lakes',

# Be sure we have the directory
if not os.path.exists(shapefiles['world_borders']):
    from salem.utils import get_demo_file
    _ = get_demo_file('world_borders.shp')

class ExtendedNorm(mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm):
    """ A better BoundaryNorm with an ``extend'' keyword.

    TODO: remove this when PR is accepted


    def __init__(self, boundaries, ncolors, extend='neither'):

        _b = np.atleast_1d(boundaries).astype(float)
        mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm.__init__(self, _b, ncolors, clip=False)

        # 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max'
        if extend == 'both':
            _b = np.append(_b, _b[-1]+1)
            _b = np.insert(_b, 0, _b[0]-1)
        elif extend == 'min':
            _b = np.insert(_b, 0, _b[0]-1)
        elif extend == 'max':
            _b = np.append(_b, _b[-1]+1)
        self._b = _b
        self._N = len(self._b)
        if self._N - 1 == self.Ncmap:
            self._interp = False
            self._interp = True

    def __call__(self, value):
        xx, is_scalar = self.process_value(value)
        mask =
        xx = np.atleast_1d(xx.filled(self.vmax + 1))
        iret = np.zeros(xx.shape, dtype=np.int16)
        for i, b in enumerate(self._b):
            iret[xx >= b] = i
        if self._interp:
            scalefac = float(self.Ncmap - 1) / (self._N - 2)
            iret = (iret * scalefac).astype(np.int16)
        iret[xx < self.vmin] = -1
        iret[xx >= self.vmax] = self.Ncmap
        ret =, mask=mask)
        if is_scalar:
            ret = int(ret[0])  # assume python scalar
        return ret

[docs] def get_cmap(cmap='viridis'): """Get a colormap from mpl, and also those defined by Salem. Currently we have: topo, dem, nrwc see """ try: return plt.get_cmap(cmap) except ValueError: cl = utils.read_colormap(cmap) return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(cmap, cl, N=256)
[docs] class DataLevels(object): """Assigns the right color to your data. Simple tool that ensures the full compatibility of the plot colors and the colorbar. It's working principle is best understood with a few examples, available in the docs. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data=None, levels=None, nlevels=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extend=None, cmap=None, norm=None, ): """Instanciate. Parameters ---------- see the set_* functions """ self.set_data(data) self.set_levels(levels) self.set_nlevels(nlevels) self.set_vmin(vmin) self.set_vmax(vmax) self.set_extend(extend) self.set_cmap(cmap) self.set_norm(norm)
def update(self, d): """ Update the properties of :class:`DataLevels` from the dictionary *d*. """ for k, v in d.items(): func = getattr(self, 'set_' + k, None) if func is None or not callable(func): raise AttributeError('Unknown property %s' % k) func(v)
[docs] def set_data(self, data=None): """Any kind of data array (also masked).""" if data is not None: =, copy=False) else: =[0., 1.])
[docs] def set_levels(self, levels=None): """Levels you define. Must be monotically increasing.""" self._levels = levels
[docs] def set_nlevels(self, nlevels=None): """Automatic N levels. Ignored if set_levels has been set.""" self._nlevels = nlevels
[docs] def set_vmin(self, val=None): """Mininum level value. Ignored if set_levels has been set.""" self._vmin = val
[docs] def set_vmax(self, val=None): """Maximum level value. Ignored if set_levels has been set.""" self._vmax = val
[docs] def set_cmap(self, cm=None): """Set a colormap.""" self.cmap = get_cmap(cm or 'viridis')
def set_norm(self, norm=None): """Set a normalization function. Related parameters will be ignored if set. (e.g., vmin and vmax will be ignored if using LogNorm)""" self._norm = norm
[docs] def set_extend(self, extend=None): """Colorbar extensions: 'neither' | 'both' | 'min' | 'max'""" self._extend = extend
[docs] def set_plot_params( self, levels=None, nlevels=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extend=None, cmap=None, norm=None, ): """Shortcut to all parameters related to the plot. As a side effect, running set_plot_params() without arguments will reset the default behavior """ self.set_vmin(vmin) self.set_vmax(vmax) self.set_levels(levels) self.set_nlevels(nlevels) self.set_extend(extend) if cmap is not None: self.set_cmap(cmap) self.set_norm(norm)
@property def levels(self): """Clever getter.""" levels = self._levels nlevels = self._nlevels if levels is not None: self.set_vmin(levels[0]) self.set_vmax(levels[-1]) return levels else: if nlevels is None: if self.extend in ['max', 'min']: nlevels = self.cmap.N - 1 elif self.extend in ['both']: nlevels = self.cmap.N - 2 else: nlevels = self.cmap.N if self.vmax == self.vmin: return np.linspace(self.vmin, self.vmax+1, nlevels) return np.linspace(self.vmin, self.vmax, nlevels) @property def nlevels(self): """Clever getter.""" return len(self.levels) @property def vmin(self): """Clever getter.""" if self._vmin is None: return np.min( else: return self._vmin @property def vmax(self): """Clever getter.""" if self._vmax is None: return np.max( else: return self._vmax @property def extend(self): """Clever getter.""" if self._extend is None: # If the user didnt set it, we decide maxd, mind = np.max(, np.min( if maxd > self.vmax and mind < self.vmin: out = 'both' elif maxd > self.vmax: out = 'max' elif mind < self.vmin: out = 'min' else: out = 'neither' return out else: return self._extend @property def norm(self): """Clever getter.""" l = self.levels e = self.extend if self._norm is None: # Warnings if e not in ["both", "min"] and (np.min(l) > np.min( warnings.warn("Minimum data out of bounds.", RuntimeWarning) if e not in ["both", "max"] and (np.max(l) < np.max( warnings.warn("Maximum data out of bounds.", RuntimeWarning) try: # Added in mpl 3.3.0 return mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(l, self.cmap.N, extend=e) except TypeError: return ExtendedNorm(l, self.cmap.N, extend=e) else: return self._norm def to_rgb(self): """Transform the data to RGB triples.""" if np.all( # unfortunately the functions below can't handle this one return np.zeros( + (4, )) return self.cmap(self.norm( def get_colorbarbase_kwargs(self): """If you need to make a colorbar based on a given DataLevel state.""" # This is a discutable choice: with more than 60 colors (could be # less), we assume a continuous colorbar. if self.nlevels < 60 or self._norm is not None: norm = self.norm else: norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) return dict(extend=self.extend, cmap=self.cmap, norm=norm)
[docs] def colorbarbase(self, cax, **kwargs): """Returns a ColorbarBase to add to the cax axis. All keywords are passed to matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase """ # This is a discutable choice: with more than 60 colors (could be # less), we assume a continuous colorbar. if self.nlevels < 60 or self._norm is not None: norm = self.norm else: norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) return mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, extend=self.extend, cmap=self.cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs)
[docs] def append_colorbar(self, ax, position='right', size='5%', pad=0.5, **kwargs): """Appends a colorbar to existing axes It uses matplotlib's make_axes_locatable toolkit. Parameters ---------- ax: the axis to append the colorbar to position: "left"|"right"|"bottom"|"top" size: the size of the colorbar (e.g. in % of the ax) pad: pad between axes given in inches or tuple-like of floats, (horizontal padding, vertical padding) """ orientation = 'horizontal' if position in ['left', 'right']: orientation = 'vertical' cax = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes(position, size=size, pad=pad) return self.colorbarbase(cax, orientation=orientation, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, ax): """Add a kind of plot of the data to an axis. More useful for child classes. Returns an imshow primitive """ data = np.atleast_2d( toplot = self.cmap(self.norm(data)) primitive = ax.imshow(toplot, interpolation='none', origin='lower') return primitive
[docs] def visualize(self, ax=None, title=None, orientation='vertical', add_values=False, addcbar=True, cbar_title=''): """Quick plot, useful for debugging. Parameters ---------- ax: the axis to add the plot to (optinal) title: the plot title orientation: the colorbar's orientation add_values: add the data values as text in the pixels (for testing) Returns a dict containing the primitives of the various plot calls """ # Do we make our own fig? if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Plot out = self.plot(ax) # Colorbar addcbar = (self.vmin != self.vmax) and addcbar if addcbar: if orientation == 'horizontal': self.append_colorbar(ax, "top", size=0.2, pad=0.5, label=cbar_title) else: self.append_colorbar(ax, "right", size="5%", pad=0.2, label=cbar_title) # Mini add-on if add_values: data = np.atleast_2d( x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(data.shape[1]), np.arange(data.shape[0])) for v, i, j in zip(data.flatten(), x.flatten(), y.flatten()): ax.text(i, j, v, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') # Details if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return out
[docs] class Map(DataLevels): """Plotting georeferenced data. A Map is an implementation of DataLevels that wraps imshow(), by adding all kinds of geoinformation on the plot. It's primary purpose is to add country borders or topographical shading. Another purpose is to be able to plot all kind of georeferenced data on an existing map while being sure that the plot is accurate. In short: the Map is a higher-level, less wordy and less flexible version of cartopy or basemap. It's usefulness is best shown by the examples in the doc. For worldwide maps or very flexible plots you'd better use cartopy, because Salem's Map is constrained by it's primary objective: plotting regional maps. """
[docs] def __init__(self, grid, nx=500, ny=None, factor=None, countries=True, **kwargs): """Make a new map. Parameters ---------- grid : salem.Grid the grid defining the map nx : int x resolution (in pixels) of the map ny : int y resolution (in pixels) of the map (ignored if nx is set) factor : float shortcut to keep the same image resolution as the grid. 1 prevents image resizing countries : bool automatically add country borders to the map (you can do it later with a call to set_shapefile) kwargs: ** all keywords accepted by DataLevels """ if factor is not None: nx = None ny = None self.grid = grid.center_grid.regrid(nx=nx, ny=ny, factor=factor) self.origin = 'lower' if self.grid.origin == 'lower-left' else 'upper' DataLevels.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._collections = [] self._geometries = [] self._text = [] self.set_shapefile(countries=countries) self.set_lonlat_contours() self._shading_base() self._rgb = None self._contourf_data = None self._contour_data = None
def _check_data(self, data=None, crs=None, interp='nearest', overplot=False): """Interpolates the data to the map grid.""" if crs is None: # try xarray # TODO: note that this might slow down the plotting a bit # if the data already matches the grid... try: crs = data.salem.grid except: pass data = shp = data.shape if len(shp) != 2: raise ValueError('Data should be 2D.') if crs is None: # Reform case, but with a sanity check if not np.isclose(shp[0] / shp[1], self.grid.ny / self.grid.nx, atol=1e-2): raise ValueError('Dimensions of data do not match the map.') # need to resize if not same if not ((shp[0] == self.grid.ny) and (shp[1] == self.grid.nx)): # We convert to float for img resizing if data.dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]: data = data.astype(np.float64) if interp.lower() == 'nearest': interp = 0 elif interp.lower() == 'linear': interp = 1 elif interp.lower() == 'spline': interp = 3 if not has_skimage: raise ImportError('Needs scikit-image to be installed.') with warnings.catch_warnings(): mess = "invalid value encountered in reduce" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=mess) mess = "All-NaN slice encountered" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=mess) mess = ("Possible precision loss when converting from " "int64 to float64") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=mess) mess = "Passing `np.nan` to mean no clipping in np.clip" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=mess) nans = data.filled(np.nan) try: data = imresize(nans, (self.grid.ny, self.grid.nx), order=interp, mode='edge', anti_aliasing=True) except RuntimeError: # For some order anti_aliasing doesnt work with 'edge' data = imresize(nans, (self.grid.ny, self.grid.nx), order=interp, mode='edge', anti_aliasing=False) return data crs = gis.check_crs(crs, raise_on_error=True) if isinstance(crs, Grid): # Remap if overplot: data = self.grid.map_gridded_data(data, crs, interp=interp, else: data = self.grid.map_gridded_data(data, crs, interp=interp) else: raise ValueError('crs should be a grid, not a proj') return data
[docs] def set_data(self, data=None, crs=None, interp='nearest', overplot=False): """Adds data to the plot. The data has to be georeferenced, i.e. by setting crs (if omitted the data is assumed to be defined on the map's grid) Parameters ---------- data: the data array (2d) crs: the data coordinate reference system interp: 'nearest' (default) or 'linear', the interpolation algorithm overplot: add the data to an existing plot (useful for mosaics for example) """ # Check input if data is None: =, self.grid.nx)) = + 1 return data = self._check_data(data=data, crs=crs, interp=interp, overplot=overplot) DataLevels.set_data(self, data)
[docs] def set_contourf(self, data=None, crs=None, interp='nearest', **kwargs): """Adds data to contourfill on the map. Parameters ---------- mask: bool array (2d) crs: the data coordinate reference system interp: 'nearest' (default) or 'linear', the interpolation algorithm kwargs: anything accepted by contourf """ # Check input if data is None: self._contourf_data = None return self._contourf_data = self._check_data(data=data, crs=crs, interp=interp) kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 1.4) self._contourf_kw = kwargs
[docs] def set_contour(self, data=None, crs=None, interp='nearest', **kwargs): """Adds data to contour on the map. Parameters ---------- mask: bool array (2d) crs: the data coordinate reference system interp: 'nearest' (default) or 'linear', the interpolation algorithm kwargs: anything accepted by contour """ # Check input if data is None: self._contour_data = None return self._contour_data = self._check_data(data=data, crs=crs, interp=interp) kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 1.4) self._contour_kw = kwargs
[docs] def set_geometry(self, geometry=None, crs=wgs84, text=None, text_delta=(0.01, 0.01), text_kwargs=dict(), **kwargs): """Adds any Shapely geometry to the map. If called without arguments, it removes all previous geometries. Parameters ---------- geometry: a Shapely gometry object (must be a scalar!) crs: the associated coordinate reference system (default wgs84) text: if you want to add a text to the geometry (it's position is based on the geometry's centroid) text_delta: it can be useful to shift the text of a certain amount when annotating points. units are percentage of data coordinates. text_kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the test() function kwargs: any keyword associated with the geometry's plotting function: - Point: all keywords accepted by scatter(): marker, s, edgecolor, facecolor... - Line: all keywords accepted by plot(): color, linewidth... - Polygon: all keywords accepted by PathPatch(): color, edgecolor, facecolor, linestyle, linewidth, alpha... """ # Reset? if geometry is None: self._geometries = [] return # Transform geom = gis.transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs, to_crs=self.grid.center_grid) # Text if text is not None: x, y = geom.centroid.xy x = x[0] + text_delta[0] * self.grid.nx sign = self.grid.dy / np.abs(self.grid.dy) y = y[0] + text_delta[1] * self.grid.ny * sign self.set_text(x, y, text, crs=self.grid.center_grid, **text_kwargs) # Save if 'Multi' in geom.geom_type: for g in geom.geoms: self._geometries.append((g, kwargs)) # dirty solution: I should use collections instead if 'label' in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() del kwargs['label'] else: self._geometries.append((geom, kwargs))
[docs] def set_points(self, x, y, **kwargs): """Shortcut for set_geometry() accepting coordinates as input.""" x, y = np.atleast_1d(x), np.atleast_1d(y) self.set_geometry(MultiPoint(np.array([x, y]).T), **kwargs)
[docs] def set_text(self, x=None, y=None, text='', crs=wgs84, **kwargs): """Add a text to the map. Keyword arguments will be passed to mpl's text() function. """ # Reset? if x is None: self._text = [] return kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 5) # Transform x, y = self.grid.center_grid.transform(x, y, crs=crs) self._text.append((x, y, text, kwargs))
[docs] def set_shapefile(self, shape=None, countries=False, oceans=False, rivers=False, lakes=False, **kwargs): """Add a shapefile to the plot. Salem is shipped with a few default settings for country borders, oceans and rivers (set one at the time!) set_shapefile() without argument will reset the map to zero shapefiles. Parameters ---------- shape: the path to the shapefile to read countries: if True, add country borders oceans: if True, add oceans rivers: if True, add rivers lakes: if True, add lakes kwargs: all keywords accepted by the corresponding collection. For LineStrings:: linewidths, colors, linestyles, ... For Polygons:: alpha, edgecolor, facecolor, fill, linestyle, linewidth, color, ... """ # See if the user wanted defaults settings if oceans: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', (0.36862745, 0.64313725, 0.8)) kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'none') kwargs.setdefault('alpha', 1) return self.set_shapefile(shapefiles['oceans'], **kwargs) if rivers: kwargs.setdefault('color', (0.08984375, 0.65625, 0.8515625)) return self.set_shapefile(shapefiles['rivers'], **kwargs) if lakes: kwargs.setdefault('color', (0.08984375, 0.65625, 0.8515625)) return self.set_shapefile(shapefiles['lakes'], **kwargs) if countries: kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 1.5) return self.set_shapefile(shapefiles['world_borders'], **kwargs) # Defaults if not all(k in kwargs for k in ('facecolor', 'edgecolor')): kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') # Reset? if shape is None: self._collections = [] return # Transform if isinstance(shape, pd.DataFrame): shape = gis.transform_geopandas(shape, to_crs=self.grid) else: shape = sio.read_shapefile_to_grid(shape, grid=self.grid) if len(shape) == 0: return # Different collection for each type geomtype = shape.iloc[0].geometry.geom_type if 'Polygon' in geomtype: patches = [] for g in shape.geometry: if 'Multi' in g.geom_type: for gg in g.geoms: patches.append(PolygonPatch(gg)) else: patches.append(PolygonPatch(g)) kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') if 'color' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs['color']) del kwargs['color'] self._collections.append(PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs)) elif 'LineString' in geomtype: lines = [] for g in shape.geometry: if 'Multi' in g.geom_type: for gg in g.geoms: lines.append(np.array(gg.coords)) else: lines.append(np.array(g.coords)) self._collections.append(LineCollection(lines, **kwargs)) else: raise NotImplementedError(geomtype)
def _find_interval(self, max_nticks): """Quick n dirty function to find a suitable lonlat interval.""" candidates = [0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20] xx, yy = self.grid.pixcorner_ll_coordinates for inter in candidates: _xx = xx / inter _yy = yy / inter mm_x = [np.ceil(np.min(_xx)), np.floor(np.max(_xx))] mm_y = [np.ceil(np.min(_yy)), np.floor(np.max(_yy))] nx = mm_x[1]-mm_x[0]+1 ny = mm_y[1]-mm_y[0]+1 if np.max([nx, ny]) <= max_nticks: break return inter
[docs] def set_lonlat_contours(self, interval=None, xinterval=None, yinterval=None, add_tick_labels=True, add_xtick_labels=True, add_ytick_labels=True, max_nticks=8, **kwargs): """Add longitude and latitude contours to the map. Calling it with interval=0 will remove all contours. Parameters ---------- interval : float interval (in degrees) between the contours (same for lon and lat) xinterval : float set a different interval for lons yinterval : float set a different interval for lats add_tick_label : bool add ticks labels to the axes add_xtick_label : bool add ticks labels to the x axis add_ytick_label : bool add ticks labels to the y axis max_nticks : int maximum number of contour levels (when chosen automatically). Ignore if ``interval`` is set to a value kwargs : {} any keyword accepted by contour() """ # Defaults if interval is None: interval = self._find_interval(max_nticks) if xinterval is None: xinterval = interval if yinterval is None: yinterval = interval if xinterval == 0: # no contour self.xtick_levs = [] self.ytick_levs = [] add_tick_labels = False else: # Change XY into interval coordinates, and back after rounding xx, yy = self.grid.pixcorner_ll_coordinates _xx = xx / xinterval _yy = yy / yinterval mm_x = [np.ceil(np.min(_xx)), np.floor(np.max(_xx))] mm_y = [np.ceil(np.min(_yy)), np.floor(np.max(_yy))] self.xtick_levs = (mm_x[0] + np.arange(mm_x[1]-mm_x[0]+1)) * \ xinterval self.ytick_levs = (mm_y[0] + np.arange(mm_y[1]-mm_y[0]+1)) * \ yinterval # Decide on float format d = np.array(['4', '3', '2', '1', '0']) d = d[interval < np.array([0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10000])][0] # The labels (quite ugly) self.xtick_pos = [] self.xtick_val = [] self.ytick_pos = [] self.ytick_val = [] if add_tick_labels: if add_xtick_labels: _xx = xx[0 if self.origin == 'lower' else -1, :] _xi = np.arange(self.grid.nx+1) for xl in self.xtick_levs: if (xl > _xx[-1]) or (xl < _xx[0]): continue self.xtick_pos.append(np.interp(xl, _xx, _xi)) label = ('{:.' + d + 'f}').format(xl) label += 'W' if (xl < 0) else 'E' if xl == 0: label = '0' self.xtick_val.append(label) if add_ytick_labels: _yy = np.sort(yy[:, 0]) _yi = np.arange(self.grid.ny+1) if self.origin == 'upper': _yi = _yi[::-1] for yl in self.ytick_levs: if (yl > _yy[-1]) or (yl < _yy[0]): continue self.ytick_pos.append(np.interp(yl, _yy, _yi)) label = ('{:.' + d + 'f}').format(yl) label += 'S' if (yl < 0) else 'N' if yl == 0: label = 'Eq.' self.ytick_val.append(label) # Done kwargs.setdefault('colors', 'gray') kwargs.setdefault('linestyles', 'dashed') kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', 0.8) kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 1.5) self.ll_contour_kw = kwargs
def _shading_base(self, slope=None, relief_factor=0.7): """Compute the shading factor out of the slope.""" # reset? if slope is None: self.slope = None return # I got this formula from D. Scherer. It works and I dont know why p = np.nonzero(slope > 0) if len(p[0]) > 0: temp = np.clip(slope[p] / (2 * np.std(slope)), -1, 1) slope[p] = 0.4 * np.sin(0.5*np.pi*temp) self.relief_factor = relief_factor self.slope = slope
[docs] def set_topography(self, topo=None, crs=None, relief_factor=0.7, **kwargs): """Add topographical shading to the map. Parameters ---------- topo: path to a geotiff file containing the topography, OR 2d data array relief_factor: how strong should the shading be? kwargs: any keyword accepted by salem.Grid.map_gridded_data (interp,ks) Returns ------- the topography if needed (bonus) """ if topo is None: self._shading_base() return kwargs.setdefault('interp', 'spline') if isinstance(topo, str): _, ext = os.path.splitext(topo) if ext.lower() == '.tif': g = GeoTiff(topo) # Spare memory ex = self.grid.extent_in_crs(crs=wgs84) # l, r, b, t g.set_subset(corners=((ex[0], ex[2]), (ex[1], ex[3])), crs=wgs84, margin=10) z = g.get_vardata() z[z < -999] = 0 z = self.grid.map_gridded_data(z, g.grid, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('File extension not recognised: {}' .format(ext)) else: z = self._check_data(topo, crs=crs, **kwargs) # Gradient in m m-1 ddx = self.grid.dx ddy = self.grid.dy if gis.proj_is_latlong(self.grid.proj): # we make a coarse approx of the avg dx on a sphere _, lat = self.grid.ll_coordinates ddx = np.mean(ddx * 111200 * np.cos(lat * np.pi / 180)) ddy *= 111200 dy, dx = np.gradient(z, ddy, ddx) self._shading_base(dx - dy, relief_factor=relief_factor) return z
[docs] def set_rgb(self, img=None, crs=None, interp='nearest', natural_earth=None): """Manually force to a rgb img Parameters ---------- img : array the image to plot crs : Grid the image reference system interp : str, default 'nearest' 'nearest', 'linear', or 'spline' natural_earth : str 'lr', 'mr' or 'hr' (low res, medium or high res) natural earth background img """ if natural_earth is not None: from matplotlib.image import imread with warnings.catch_warnings(): # DecompressionBombWarning warnings.simplefilter("ignore") img = imread(utils.get_natural_earth_file(natural_earth)) ny, nx = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] dx, dy = 360. / nx, 180. / ny grid = Grid(nxny=(nx, ny), dxdy=(dx, -dy), x0y0=(-180., 90.), pixel_ref='corner').center_grid return self.set_rgb(img, grid, interp='linear') if (len(img.shape) != 3) or (img.shape[-1] not in [3, 4]): raise ValueError('img should be of shape (y, x, 3) or (y, x, 4)') # Unefficient but by far easiest right now out = [] for i in range(img.shape[-1]): out.append(self._check_data(img[..., i], crs=crs, interp=interp)) self._rgb = np.dstack(out)
[docs] def set_scale_bar(self, location=None, length=None, maxlen=0.25, add_bbox=False, bbox_dx=1.2, bbox_dy=1.2, bbox_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Add a legend bar showing the scale to the plot. Parameters ---------- location : tuple the location of the bar (in the plot's relative coordinates) length : float the length of the bar in proj units (m or deg). Default is to find the nicest number satisfying ``maxlen`` maxlen : float the maximum lenght of the bar (in the plot's relative coordinates) when choosing the length automatically add_bbox : bool add a bounding box to the scale bar (WIP: experimental) bbox_dx : bool, default: 1.2 a multiplicating factor controlling the x size of the bounding box (trial and error works best for this one) bbox_dy : bool, default: 1.2 a multiplicating factor controlling the y size of the bounding box (trial and error works best for this one) bbox_kwargs : dict kwarg to pass to set_geometry() for the bounding box (e.g. facecolor, alpha, etc...) kwargs : dict any kwarg accepted by ``set_geometry``. Defaults are put on ``color``, ``linewidth``, ``text``, ``text_kwargs``... But you can do whatever you want """ x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.grid.extent # Find a sensible length for the scale if length is None: length = utils.nice_scale(x1 - x0, maxlen=maxlen) if location is None: location = (0.96 - length/2/(x1 - x0), 0.04) # scalebar center location in proj coordinates sbcx, sbcy = x0 + (x1 - x0) * location[0], y0 + (y1 - y0) * location[1] # coordinates for the scalebar line = LineString(([sbcx - length/2, sbcy], [sbcx + length/2, sbcy])) # Of the bounding box bbox = [[sbcx - length / 2 * bbox_dx, sbcy - length / 4 * bbox_dy], [sbcx - length / 2 * bbox_dx, sbcy + length / 4 * bbox_dy], [sbcx + length / 2 * bbox_dx, sbcy + length / 4 * bbox_dy], [sbcx + length / 2 * bbox_dx, sbcy - length / 4 * bbox_dy], ] # Units if gis.proj_is_latlong(self.grid.proj): units = 'deg' elif length >= 1000.: length /= 1000 units = 'km' else: units = 'm' # Nice number if int(length) == length: length = int(length) # Defaults kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('text', '{} '.format(length) + units) kwargs.setdefault('text_delta', (0.0, 0.015)) kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 3) kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 99) tkw = kwargs.get('text_kwargs', {}) tkw.setdefault('horizontalalignment', 'center') tkw.setdefault('zorder', 99) tkw.setdefault('color', kwargs['color']) kwargs['text_kwargs'] = tkw if add_bbox: if bbox_kwargs is None: bbox_kwargs = {} bbox_kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'w') bbox_kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'k') bbox_kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 98) poly = Polygon(np.asarray(bbox)) self.set_geometry(poly, crs=self.grid.proj, **bbox_kwargs) self.set_geometry(line, crs=self.grid.proj, **kwargs)
[docs] def transform(self, crs=wgs84, ax=None): """Get a matplotlib transform object for a given reference system Parameters ---------- crs : coordinate reference system a Grid or a Proj, basically. If a grid is given, the grid's proj will be used. Returns ------- a matplotlib.transforms.Transform instance """ try: crs = crs.salem.grid except: pass try: crs = crs.proj except: pass return _SalemTransform(target_grid=self.grid, source_crs=crs, ax=ax)
def to_rgb(self): """Transform the data to a RGB image and add topographical shading.""" if self._rgb is None: toplot = DataLevels.to_rgb(self) else: toplot = self._rgb # Shading if self.slope is not None: # remove alphas? try: pno = np.where(toplot[:, :, 3] == 0.) for i in [0, 1, 2]: toplot[pno[0], pno[1], i] = 1 toplot[:, :, 3] = 1 except IndexError: pass # Actual shading level = 1.0 - 0.1 * self.relief_factor sens = 1 + 0.7 * self.relief_factor * self.slope for i in [0, 1, 2]: toplot[:, :, i] = np.clip(level * toplot[:, :, i] * sens, 0, 1) # OK! return toplot
[docs] def plot(self, ax): """Add the map plot to an axis. It first plots the image and then adds all the cartographic information on top of it. Returns a dict containing the primitives of the various plot calls """ out = {'imshow': None, 'contour': [], 'contourf': [], } # Image is the easiest out['imshow'] = ax.imshow(self.to_rgb(), interpolation='none', origin=self.origin) ax.autoscale(enable=False) # Contour if self._contour_data is not None: cs = ax.contour(self._contour_data, **self._contour_kw) out['contour'].append(cs) # Contourfill if self._contourf_data is not None: cs = ax.contourf(self._contourf_data, **self._contourf_kw) out['contourf'].append(cs) # Shapefiles for col in self._collections: ax.add_collection(copy.copy(col)) # Lon lat contours lon, lat = self.grid.pixcorner_ll_coordinates if len(self.xtick_levs) > 0: ax.contour(lon, levels=self.xtick_levs, extent=(-0.5, self.grid.nx-0.5, -0.5, self.grid.ny), **self.ll_contour_kw) if len(self.ytick_levs) > 0: ax.contour(lat, levels=self.ytick_levs, extent=(-0.5, self.grid.nx, -0.5, self.grid.ny-0.5), **self.ll_contour_kw) # Geometries for g, kwargs in self._geometries: if g.geom_type == 'Polygon': kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') plot_polygon(ax, g, **kwargs) # was g.buffer(0). Why? if g.geom_type in ['LineString', 'LinearRing']: a = np.array(g.coords) kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') ax.plot(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], **kwargs) if g.geom_type == 'Point': kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 5) kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o') kwargs.setdefault('s', 60) kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', 1) if 'markersize' in kwargs: # For those tempted to use the whole kw kwargs['s'] = kwargs['markersize'] del kwargs['markersize'] if 'color' in kwargs: # For those tempted to use the whole kw kwargs['facecolor'] = kwargs['color'] kwargs['edgecolor'] = kwargs['color'] if 'c' in kwargs: # For those tempted to use the whole kw kwargs['facecolor'] = kwargs['c'] kwargs['edgecolor'] = kwargs['c'] del kwargs['c'] ax.scatter(g.x, g.y, **kwargs) # Texts for x, y, s, kwargs in self._text: ax.text(x, y, s, **kwargs) # Ticks if (len(self.xtick_pos) > 0) or (len(self.ytick_pos) > 0): ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.array(self.xtick_pos)-0.5) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.array(self.ytick_pos)-0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(self.xtick_val) ax.set_yticklabels(self.ytick_val) ax.xaxis.set_zorder(5) ax.yaxis.set_zorder(5) else: ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) return out
def plot_polygon(ax, poly, edgecolor='black', **kwargs): """ Plot a single Polygon geometry """ a = np.asarray(poly.exterior.coords) # without Descartes, we could make a Patch of exterior ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(poly, **kwargs)) ax.plot(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], color=edgecolor) for p in poly.interiors: x, y = zip(*p.coords) ax.plot(x, y, color=edgecolor) class _SalemTransform(MPLTranform): """ A transform class for mpl axes using Grids. """ input_dims = 2 output_dims = 2 is_separable = False has_inverse = False def __init__(self, target_grid=None, source_crs=None, ax=None): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- target_grid : salem.Grid typically, the map grid source_grid """ self.source_crs = source_crs self.target_grid = target_grid = ax MPLTranform.__init__(self) def transform_non_affine(self, xy): xx, yy = xy[:, 0:1], xy[:, 1:2] xx, yy = self.target_grid.transform(xx, yy, crs=self.source_crs) ax = plt.gca() if is None else return ax.transData.transform(np.concatenate((xx, yy), 1)) def transform_path_non_affine(self, path): raise NotImplementedError('path transforms not working yet') def inverted(self): raise NotImplementedError('inverted not working yet')