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Shape to raster – subgrid
Compute a percentage raster from a shapefile.
This example extends the land/sea shape to raster example with a subgrid land cover mask.
import salem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# make a local grid from which we will compute the mask
# we make it coarse so that we see the grid points
grid = salem.Grid(proj=salem.wgs84, x0y0=(-18, 3), nxny=(25, 15), dxdy=(1, 1))
# make a high-res subgrid grid to compute the mask
hr_grid = grid.regrid(factor=10)
# read the ocean shapefile (data from
oceans = salem.read_shapefile(salem.get_demo_file('ne_50m_ocean.shp'),
# read the lake shapefile (data from
lakes = salem.read_shapefile(salem.get_demo_file('ne_50m_lakes.shp'),
# Now compute the hr mask
hr_mask = hr_grid.region_of_interest(shape=oceans)
hr_mask = hr_grid.region_of_interest(shape=lakes, roi=hr_mask)
# And reduce it to the original grid
perc_mask = salem.reduce(hr_mask, factor=10)
# Make a map to check our results
sm = salem.Map(grid, countries=False)
sm.set_plot_params(cmap='Blues', vmax=1)
# prepare the figure
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3))
# plot 1
sm.set_data(hr_mask, hr_grid)
sm.visualize(ax=ax1, addcbar=False, title='High-res grid')
# plot 2
sm.visualize(ax=ax2, addcbar=True, title='Percentage mask')
# plot!
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.592 seconds)